
De-Stress Tip: Live Your Truth

My Dear Friend,

Would you like to find a simple way (no gimmicks, no pie in the sky remedy) to reduce the stress in your life?

I ask this question because I understand first hand what it feels like to have huge amounts of stress.  I used to live  with extreme amounts of stress.  But that was before I learned about this simple life principle.

If  we really dive deep into this principle, we will find that it is actually a Universal Law.  A law designed to help us live a more abundant life.

When I learned of this law many years ago, I understood it in theory, but not to the level I do today.  Because of this new level of understanding, I was able to take the appropriate action that was necessary to change the way stress affects my life.

That’s what I want to share with you.  I want to let you know how this principle changed my life.  The simple principle I am referring to is “Honor Your Yes.”  You see, when we honor our YES, we are able to follow through on what we truly desire in life.  In essence, we then live out our truth.

But most of us have trouble with this. 

In my upcoming 6 Week Coaching Program, Fall Into Life, I am dedicating an entire module to this principle.  Not only do I want you to understand the core principle, but I am going to teach you how to apply it in your every day life.  Then, you will get to see just how this simple principle will become a game changer for you!

If you missed my previous two classes where I introduced this event, please don’t worry.  You can call me and I will walk you through the preliminaries of it.  For now, just click on the link below and get yourself registered.

The Fall Into Life event is broken down into three modules, designed to give you all the support and networking you need to be successful.  The event has lots of bonus items and incentives, so if you want to bring along a friend, please share this email.

All you have to do is click the link below…read the invitation…then register.  Once you do that, your Welcome Packet will arrive with all the details.  Kick off begins next week for scheduling.


Loving What Is

Loving What Is

Below is an excerpt from Byron Katie’s Book –Loving What Is
“I am a lover of what is, not because I’m a spiritual person, but because it hurts me when I argue with reality.  We can know that reality is good just as it is, because when we argue with it, we experience tension and frustration.  We don’t feel natural or balanced.  When we stop opposing reality, action becomes simple, fluid, kind, and fearless.”
My Dear Friends…
Doesn’t this free you up? Doesn’t it give you permission to say, ‘Ah, yes, it is all OK – I am not going to argue with what is, I can accept it and then take the steps that are necessary with ease?
Living an untruth is always stressful. So many times haven’t we denied or tried to control our reality instead of just accepting it.  And how has that worked out?  Usually it becomes at some point very painful.   
The process of  Life Recovery is just like that…loving it all…loving every broken piece of it and then some.
Maybe it’s your career, relationship, environment, finances or health that’s causing you to feel anxiety, frustration and confusion.  But if, just if, we take this approach of Loving What Is, doesn’t it feel gentler and more peaceful? Doesn’t clarity begin to focus in? Then inspiration … possibly?
If you are struggling and would like to learn how to overcome your challenges and  recover, I would love to share with you all the valuable tools that have helped me.
In Healing,
Patricia xo

Motives Do Matter

Motives Do Matter

Emotions are a habit – You get what you tolerate.

Tony Robbins said this and he was right.  The key to unlocking your negative emotions is to realize that they have become just that – a habit.  It is a learned behavior.  What we need to do now is retrain ourselves to feel differently so we can begin to focus on the positive aspects of life – and begin to feel the passion again.  This is possible as our brain is like a muscle – it gets stronger with practice.

So how do we do this?

According to Tony, and most professional growth leaders, you begin by finding something greater than yourself to serve.  Live for your family, community, humanity.  Choose something that you  can aspire to and truly feel good about.  Remember you can’t fake this, so no BS here.  As they say, “Motives Do Matter.”

Life is too short to stay in this cycle.  This is not to say that you won’t ever  feel sad, mad, stressed out, etc., –  of course you will.  The difference is that you will not live there for very long.  You can change it.

To learn more about how to transform your life – click here!

PS:  Did you know that your brain grows and gets stronger when you learn?



Did you know that holiday stress has a particular impact on women?
According to a US Holiday Stress Report, “Women generally take charge of many of the holiday celebrations, particularly the tasks related to preparing meals and decorating the home.In addition, they have a harder time relaxing during the holidays and are more likely to fall into bad habits to manage their stress, like comfort eating.”
The report also revealed that the holidays have an impact on lower middle income individuals. “This group feels the weight of stress from work plus the seasonal rush to find time to get everything done.In addition, their worries about money are heightened by the commercialism of the season and the pressure to spend a lot of money.”
Last week I offered a tel-class that covered holiday stress and I mentioned that I would be offering a follow-up workshop.
The goal of this workshop is to keep you mindful of your emotional triggers and  financial budget so you can enjoy the season without the additional stress and worry.
7:30-9:00 PM ET
  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Workbook
  • Q&A Time
  • Recording for Future Reference
As my way of giving back to you during this season, I have priced this event at only $69.99
It is jam packed with incredible value that will keep on giving way beyond the holiday season.
I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity.

Clutter & Stress Go Hand-In-Hand

Does clutter and stress go hand-in-hand? 
I would have to say the answer to that is YES!
There are two types of clutter – physical and emotional – both are stressful.
Physical clutter is about your environment – your work or living space.  Studies show that when there are elevated amounts of clutter your stress level increases.


clutter is about the ‘things’ that are in your head that are causing you to feel overwhelmed, which ultimately triggers stress.

So when I read the latest study of Neuroscience Researchers at Berkeley, CA revealed that chronic stress triggers long-term changes in brain structure & function – it caught my attention.


This study had an impact on me for two reasons:
1. Personal Concerns
2. Professional Concerns
The first reason due to the obvious health concerns for overall wellness and the second reason because of how stress impacts you – especially when one is dealing with life recovery and clutter.
This is why I am offering an Educational On-Line Event on Monday, November 2, 2015 from 7:00 – 8:30 PM ET entitled – How To Combat Stress & Keep Your Brain Healthy.
At the event I will share with you some of the highest practices I know on how to cope with stress.  We will discuss what to do and what not to do, as well as when to take action and when not to take action to combat stress.


A workbook will be included, Q&A time and the opportunity to be personally Coached by me. 


To participate, you have to first register for the event.  Once you do, all the details will be sent to you on how to attend.  The On-Line Event Fee is only $49.95.

7 Habits To A Balanced Life

I was reading an article the other day that stated 70% of American workers struggle with finding a work-life system. If that is the case, then I would think there are a lot of people trying to find balance in their life.

It is understandable then why most people feel overwhelmed, stressed out and believe they never have time outside of work to do the things they enjoy.  It also makes a lot of sense why people are challenged with excessive clutter – physical and emotional!

In spite of these staggering statistics, there are those that have managed to live meaningful lives outside of their work with ease and a great level of satisfaction.

How do they do it?

Join me next Tuesday, July 14, 2015 when we will review the 7 Habits of People Who Have Achieved Work-Life Balance authored by Harvey Deutschendorf . I will share with you what these highly successful people have in common and how you too can create a life outside of work without worry of clutter build-up.


“It’s up to us as individuals to take control and responsibility for the types of lives that we want to lead. If you don’t design your life, then someone else may just design it for you, and you may not like their idea of balance.” ~Nigel Marsh, author of Fat, Forty, and Fired

Why Life Recovery Matters

What do you do when it feels as though everything is crashing down on you?

How do you RECOVER?

If you or someone you care about has decided changes are desperately needed in order to lead a better life – congratulations because that awareness is a big step.

The next step is to ask yourself: “What are the changes I need to make and how do I go about doing it?” 

This is what Life Recovery is all about.
There are a countless number of events that can impact a life and knock even the strongest individual into a sense of desperation and hopelessness. Some examples are:

  • Divorce/Ending of a Relationship
  • Clutter/Hoarding
  • Care Giving
  • Illness
  • Death
  • Career Changes
  • Financial Distress

We are all human and there will be times when we will hurt. That is when we realize just how fragile we are. Because we are delicate, a person may not cope with a life changing event very well. The frustrating part is when a person recognizes that they are captured by an unforgiving cycle of behavior and do not know how to get out of it.

Life Recovery is about thriving again.  It’s about seeing things from a different perspective and thinking outside the box.  And it’s about HOPE!  The belief that life can and will be different. 


Where there is hope, there is usually inspiration.  And that inspiration can lead to a vision – greater clarity if you will.  And this can motivate us to take action which can change everything and birth new beginnings.

I also believe that sharing is caring.  So I would like to share with you all the all the things that I have learned and how I was able to move forward and make decisions that have created a deeper understanding in my life.

Won’t you join me for this very special Tel-Class on Tuesday, February 24, 2015 at 7:00 PM ET. 


I really look forward to this special event.  I also have some exciting news to share with you so I hope you will make every effort to attend.

With love,

Patricia Diesel, CPC

A Simple Concept

As I continue to encourage people to live simply and create an environment that is clutter free, I realize more and more what this truly provides for a person.

It’s no big secret we all have our “stuff” that can cause emotional clutter at times – but combine that with physical clutter and well, that can really complicate things.

Where does one go to “sort” things out?  Where does one go to “clear” their head? Where does one go to find “peace” of mind?

Think about that!

It hurts me when I see someone who is struggling with a cluttered environment because I know their mind is hurting.

A home that is safe, comfortable and neat reduces stress and provides overall wellness.   Having a place we can take refuge from when the world starts to get too much is a gift we give to ourselves.

Here’s a simple concept:

Our home needs to be taken care of so it can take care of us.

When we reward our home for all the shelter it provides, we are also rewarded in kind.

It’s really that simple.

With Love,

Patricia Diesel, CPC
(908) 642-1226


Can Teaming Up Actually Calm You Down?


Can working as a team have benefits beyond moral support?

Researchers at Santa Clara and Stanford Universities have found that exercising with a partner enhances a workout’s stress-reducing effects – benefiting body and mind.  What they discovered was that when working with a partner, people generally felt calmer then if they worked solo.  They also concluded that whether they chatted or not through their regimen, the dialogue did not have an adverse effect on their results, and that the feelings of calmness usually lasted well into the evening hours.

In the Professional Organizing world – there is a similar parallel which we refer to as the “Body-Double.”  The purpose of the Body- Double is to act like an anchor, not an active assistant in the process of organizing.  The concept is to help the other person stay focused and ignore distractions, simply by being present.

Often, this practice provides emotional support, as clients will feel that having a Body-Double gives them permission to finish what needs to be done,  thus calming their feelings of overwhelm and reducing their urge to walk away.  It is a highly effective strategy that leaves the persona feeling empowered and satisfied.



The New Year Buzz


It’s almost time to “ring in” the New Year…

and the most popular buzz that’s humming around town for a resolution is:

“To live a simpler lifestyle.”

Now I knew it would only be a matter of time before this idea caught on, and I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am for anyone who is considering reducing their stress level.  I am a firm believer that by living a simpler lifestyle you can reap many benefits, such as overall health and wellness.

But unfortunately most people have misconceptions about how to go about this and end up overwhelmed, thus causing them to break their goal for the New Year.

Living simply can be implemented once you have a simpler state of mind – which can begin with a fresh perspective on considering the lifestyle you want to live.

One mantra in particular I found helpful for awareness is “less is more.”   Try thinking about how to apply this in all aspects of your life and then choose something small to begin building on.

Sometimes purging areas of your life can be the catalyst to living a simpler lifestyle!