Powerful Questions To Streamline Your Life
The core reason why we de-clutter is because we want a better quality of life. We want our life to be simpler, less complicated.
Wouldn’t you agree?
Yet, when it comes time to let our things “go” we struggle. This holds us back and delays the peace of mind we are seeking.
Here are some questions that can help you streamline your stuff and balance out what’s really important for you.
Take a look:
Does it make me feel happy, good, joyful?
Is this something I use currently or is it a “someday” item?
Is this something I would buy right now if I saw it in a store?
Do I feel confident when I wear this?
If I were moving, would I take this with me?
Do I have multiple items of this?
Is this worth my time to clean, maintain or store this item?
Would someone else benefit more from having this item?
Is the thought of wasting money keeping me from getting rid of this?
Am I holding on for sentimental reasons?
Do I like this or do I love this?
PS: Don’t overthink your answers. Go with your gut. Then make a decision.