Because I feel so strongly about helping people understand the benefits of being pro-active in their health, I would like to extend a personal invitation to you.

If you accept my invite, you will also receive, (absolutely free) my 3 Lessons To Remember
When Faced With A Health Crisis, a copy of Organically Yours (if you don’t already have it) and my brand new Workbook to enhance your learning experience.

Here is the invite:

For 7 days, I am opening up my schedule to a limited amount of people who would like a private coaching session with me – absolutely FREE. There’s a short window of opportunity to be coached and only a few spots are left. You do need to act quickly to this invite.

All you have to do is click on the registration button and you will be taken to a calendar to schedule your session. There’s no catch, no gimmick, just a gift I would love to offer you.

I hope you accept it!



The Transformative Power Of A Clean Space

Part of thriving under the conditions of chaos and clutter is the ability to shift your perception about what a “clean” environment looks like. I will be teaching this at my on-line event.

For example, take a look at what the Clean Matters campaign led by Clorox has to say:

“We want to go beyond the functional benefits of clean and celebrate the transformative power of clean. As the category leader, we see an opportunity to shift the perception of cleaning from a chore to the start of new possibilities. Whether it’s a clean space to work in, a germ-free table to feed your family, fresh sheets to sleep on or pure water to drink, clean creates the environments we thrive as healthier and more vibrant versions of ourselves.”

Seeing beyond the clutter allows you to see the possibilities that are ahead of you. The challenge for most people is that they get “stuck” and “paralyzed” in their chaos. It becomes so overwhelming they can’t see past their mess. Everything feels like a heavy burden, a mighty task that is insurmountable.

Too many times I witness a family not sleeping in their own bed or showering in their home. Preparing meals in their kitchen is something of the past so they resort to fast-food on a daily basis. All because of the chaos the clutter has caused. It’s heart-breaking.

Does this strike a chord with you? Is this by chance something you are experiencing? Do you know of someone who is living in these conditions? If so, I urge you to register for my on-line event. I want you to experience the transformative power of a clean environment.

Seriously, I am urging you to register…

Register Now!

Have you read my latest book, Organically Yours; Open Yourself to a Vibrant Healthy Life Through Clean Living? I talk about the healthy benefits of living in an organized environment and share the decluttering process. You can grab a copy HERE!

How To Begin Thriving In Chaos & Clutter

Chaos and clutter go hand in hand. It can be hard to live with clutter or think straight through the chaos but, most of the time, people who live with clutter and chaos think it’s just too difficult to ever change their ways. They can’t find a way to de-clutter their life and start living a stress-free lifestyle because they are so used to the chaos.

Can you relate to this? Are there times in your life when it seems like you are failing more than succeeding at getting organized? None of us will ever be totally clutter free, (we still need the necessary “things” to live) but shouldn’t we at least have some victory over our living space? A lot of people I encounter feel this helpless and frustrated.

If there is one thing that pains me, it’s witnessing this despair and hopelessness in a person. When someone is living in chaos and clutter, this is exactly what I see. It’s a heavy burden to bare when you’re trying to do your best but everything around you is out of control. It can be extremely difficult to make sense out of the chaos and sort it all out on your own.

That’s where asking for help comes in. I see things start to turn around when people finally realize that going at it alone isn’t the answer and accepting support is. This is when doors begin to open and the window shines with a beacon of light.  This is what  breaks the spell of clutter.

De-cluttering your life doesn’t have to be a solo endeavor. You can begin to experience victory over the chaos that has dogged your efforts for so long as soon as you ask for help. The key to unlocking all of this is to have a systematic, organized plan with built in mentoring and coaching. This way, every step of the way, you have a crystal-clear path to recovering and reclaiming your life back.

The peace you are searching for is not a lost cause. It is found in your environment – your living space – your home. Achieving that peace is possible once you decide you no longer want to be weighed down by the clutter. Instead, you want to bask in surroundings where you thrive.

In this live on-line event, I will be explaining how you can begin to go from chaos and clutter to a thriving, neat and tidy living space.

Join me and reclaim your victory today!

Register Now!

Regret, Guilt, Worry – How To Overcome Negative Emotions

Can you recall a time when something in your life didn’t go right?  Do you wish things would have turned out differently and now you have regrets over it?  You’re not alone – many people feel this way – including myself.

I have been such a planner all my life that it was difficult for me to stay in the present moment. I can recall many circumstances where I was always reaching or looking over the fence. I didn’t know how to enjoy or appreciate what was right in front of me. I know this has caused me to miss out on a lot.

So yes, I have regrets, but it’s not wise to live there. The problem is that regret is like carrying around heavy baggage – it’s a heavy load to carry.  All that heavy energy can get in the way and tangled up in other emotions of guilt and worry – not a healthy combination.

What we want is to be able to create new energy to move forward.

Here are three tips to help you let go of the past and live in the present.

Tip # 1:  Show Yourself  A Little Love

How would you show love to someone you cared for who was going through a difficult time?  Compassion and empathy are two words that pop into mind.  Try doing the same for yourself.  We’re human and we are going to make mistakes – that’s part of life.  One of the biggest gifts you can give yourself is to treat yourself kindly.  Forgiveness is another important aspect to creating new energy – we’re not perfect beings and that’s okay.  Beef up the love.

Tip #2:  Keep The Faith

We don’t always understand the “bigger” picture in life – the “grand” scheme of things.  Although we wish we had a crystal ball to see into the future – the truth is we don’t really know what tomorrow may bring.  This is why we need to keep the faith alive and trust in GOD – or in other words, the Grand Overall Design.  Knowing that in time, all things will get better.

Tip #3:  Make It A Learning Experience

It’s so easy to get caught up in the moment of what didn’t go right, that we neglect to see what else happened in that experience.  Usually there are little golden nuggets if we look close enough to learn from the situation and make us better for it.    So the question is, What can you learn from a past experience that can make you better today?

Bonus Tip:

Remember, you don’t want to pull that heavy load a minute longer – here’s how to draw the line when you’re dwelling in the past on all that negativity.  You simply need to remember to LEAVE IT IN THE PAST.  That was then, this is NOW!  Let it GO!  I mean it…really, let it go for good and free yourself.  By doing so, you will be taking a huge step to living in the PRESENT!





If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that being organized breeds positive energy.

Over and over, I’ve witnessed people feel lighter, happier, clearer and more motivated once they were organized.

What keeps people from doing so, is that feeling of being weighed down from their clutter – physical and emotional.  They don’t know how or where to begin.  The thought of starting feels so overwhelming, if not, down right impossible.

But I can tell you with 100% certainty, that being organized will give you:
  • Renewed Energy
  • Clarity
  • Focus
  • Motivation
  • Restored Belief

Now that’s POWERFUL stuff!


I know what it feels like to be in a slump and not be able to get out of your own way.  I think we’ve all been there before.  But think about this…it only takes one simple step to start the process of lightening your burden, and before you know it, you’ll be on your way to being organized and feeling so much better. Don’t you want that?


I believe you do!  So that’s why I am doing something really different, so please listen up. If you would like to have a 15 minute chat with me, (totally complimentary) to see how I can help you get organized, here’s what you need to do.


1.  Pick up your phone – NOW

2.  Text me the words – GET ME ORGANIZED to 908-642-1226

3.  Be ready to receive my TEXT back with your next steps.

4.  Follow through on the NEXT STEPS I provide you with.

5.  BAM – expect your energy to change soon!


I’m excited to help you the best I can.  Let’s make 2018 your year to finally get organized!


THE SECRET TO LETTING GO (When You’re Holding On Too Tight)

It’s been said that, “nothing lasts forever.”  Perhaps that’s why we desperately hold on so tight.

We know there is a cycle to life; that our youth vanishes, our children grow up, our parents age, and one day we will pass on.  Yet, we try to hold on even tighter.

Of course, the more we hold on, the more pain we feel as things fade, disappear, and die around us. And sometimes the tighter our grasp, the more these things happen.

Think about this in the context of a relationship.  Imagine someone who is exceptionally clingy. They are so preoccupied with all the terrible things they think can go wrong, that they miss the opportunity to fully love.  Eventually, the relationship has no recourse but to end.

What about the person who holds on for dear life to their physical things? Instead of enjoying and making use of what they already have, they are too busy acquiring more out of fear something will happen to their existing stuff.  Control now replaces the caring of their things.

If we probe further, there is usually a story that is deeply connected to why we insist on holding on so tight.  A story, no doubt, that could benefit from healing.
The secret to letting go is believing that you will be okay once you do.  I understand this is easier said than done. But it’s the truth.
If you knew for certain that all would be okay if you let go, would it make a huge difference in your life?  I’m sure it would.   I say this with confidence because I am living it.
In my upcoming tel-class I will be sharing with you how I got through the most difficult of times and how you can too.
I will also be inviting you to a workshop that I am hosting in January of 2018.  My goal is to prepare you now so you can schedule your plans accordingly to attend this ground-breaking event.
Please join me in this upcoming tel-class to learn more!

Register Now!


For over 20 years, I have been speaking on the subject matter of organizing.  Although the topic of wellness is now in the forefront, I still circle back around to the benefits of living an organized lifestyle.  Yet, it doesn’t seem to matter where I speak, who is in the audience, or how I broach the subject matter, there is always something heavy on people’s minds.

That heaviness I believe derives from the perplexity of clutter.  Most people are constantly battling the war on clutter without success.  This leaves them feeling defeated, overwhelmed and downright exhausted.  It begs the question, over and over, What’s the secret to curing clutter?
Take yesterday for example.  I was speaking at the Health Expo in New York and  people wanted to know the answers to many of these questions:
How do I get a handle on my stuff?  
How can I clear out my clutter for good?
Why does my clutter come back?
Why does my clutter get the best of me?
So I told them the truth about clutter.  Before I explained what that truth was, I said that most people probably have heard it before and others may not  like what they are about to hear. But that doesn’t  mean it’s not the truth.
You see, there really is a way to curing clutter.  But it’s not what most people think.
The reality is, that most of us go outside ourselves to seek the answers to our questions.  We have a difficult time believing that the power we need to be successful is within us. So we blame outside circumstances on our inability to win the battle and continually look for the secret elixir that is going to cure the clutter.
The truth is …  the cure for your clutter is well within our grasp.
It all starts by first acknowledging that clutter is ruling our life.  And if we want the chaos of clutter to stop, we must see this as something that is very important in our life. When something is truly important, it ranks as a high priority for us to take action.  That action then requires follow-through until the completion stage.
The problem is, however, that most people find this extremely difficult to do.  They lack the follow-up skills that are necessary.  The good news is, just like organizing, it is a skill set that can be learned.  But again, just like organizing, in order to be successful, you need to have SUPPORT.
My Clutter Coaching Program provides you with a bullet-proof plan of action and a model that will keep you motivated, committed and accountable to curing your clutter.
If you are struggling with clutter and you are at a point in your life where you can honestly say that you are ready to win the war by making it your number one PRIORITY, then I would like to hear from you.
Just hit “Reply” to this email and tell me why you feel you are ready.  Include your phone number and I will reach out to you for a complimentary Discovery Session.    You have nothing to lose but your clutter.

I hope to hear from you soon!

Grief, Deep Grief, Can Make Decluttering Painful.

Sometimes during the process of decluttering we can unearth unexpected memories, which can be very emotional.  Old photographs, music and art can trigger an old memory of trauma like a romantic break-up or divorce, a loss of a career, an empty nest or the loss of a loved one.

Grief, deep grief, can make the decluttering process especially painful.  Sometimes a grieving person will choose to declutter ruthlessly in an attempt to remove the pain caused by the loss. Better to have empty room than to face a constant reminder of what I lost.

Mentally, they decide that it would be preferable to have it done, in a sort of ’emotional amputation.’  For others, they are simply not ready.  When they try to get rid of something that belongs to the loved one, it is like that person is dying all over again.  If you are grieving, please be compassionate with yourself.

Did the above resonate with you?  If so, you would find my new book helpful –  Organically Yours; Open Yourself To A Vibrant Healthy Life Through Clean Living.  GRAB YOUR COPY NOW  FOR ONLY $1.00 plus S&H!



You spend your time wisely if you spend your time organizing!

The time you invest in getting yourself organized will give you a substantial return on your investment.  For example, you can locate your important items at a moment’s notice, because you now know where everything is.  You will save time and peace of mind by establishing a home  for your belongings, rather than frantically searching for your stuff and getting all stressed out.  It’s not a particularly warm and fuzzy feeling when you’re racing against the clock trying to find something that is lost in space.  So to quote dear Ben Franklin, “For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.” ~ Amen

Did you find this information helpful?  If so, you will definitely like my new book Organically Yours; Open Yourself to a Vibrant Healthy Life Through Clean Living.

You can grab your copy for only $1.00 plus S&H.  GRAB IT HERE!

As soon as I have the book in my hands, I will mail your autographed copy with a special gift directly to your door step.



Why Having A Plan Is Healthy!

Did you know one of the reasons why a person’s environment gets cluttered is because they never learned certain life skills?

For example:

  • How does someone make a bed in the morning?
    How is dirty laundry taken care of?
    What is the right way to clean up after a meal?
    How is a bathroom kept clean and fresh?

The good news is that these are all teachable skill sets. However, without these skills set in an organized system, the individual is left to “make it up as they go along,”usually making things more complicated than necessary and causing undue stress.

This is exactly the reason why having a plan is healthy. Can you see how following an organized system can help you have a fresh, clean environment? Not to mention how much time you will save and the peace of mind it will provide.

If you would like to learn my proven strategies to living an organized life, you should grab a copy of my new book, Organically Yours; Open Yourself To A Vibrant Healthy Life Through Clean Living.


You can grab your copy for only $1.00 plus S&H. As soon as I have the book in my hands, I will mail your autographed copy with a special gift directly to your door step.