“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.”

~Siddartha Guatama Buddha

How Cluttered Is Your Brain?

A cluttered brain can be filled with many things, ranging from all the things that are on your ‘to do’ list to worrying about how you will be able to complete everything successfully. One area that can predominately clutter up our brain is the constant banter we have with ourselves – our internal dialogue. This private conversation can influence our brains to have negative attitudes and thus, negative outcomes if we feed it negative thoughts.

Take Tammy for instance. She couldn’t understand why her sister’s life was filled with happy, positive things while her life was always a struggle. Her thoughts were, “Nothing good ever happens to me. Why do good things happen to my sis, while I always get the short end of the stick? It just isn’t fair!”

It wasn’t until Tammy started to realize that her sister always has a positive attitude.  It doesn’t seem to matter what happens, her sister handles most everything with ease and looks for the good in all situations.

Maybe it’s time Tammy finds out more about healthy thinking. It certainly couldn’t hurt…

Can you identify with Tammy? Or do you fall more into the category of her sister’s mindset? There were certain things that led up to Tammy’s aha moment that helped her transform her thinking. Would you like to learn how she did it? Then, you should grab a copy of my new book, Organically Yours; Open Yourself to a Healthy Vibrant Life Through Clean Living. If you pre-order now, you can receive your copy for only $1.00 plus S&H.




There’s a certain connotation the word declutter brings to mind – don’t you think? For me it evokes a feeling of freedom. I personally don’t operate well when I have clutter around me. So anything I can do to get myself on track quickly helps not just with my immediate surroundings, but it makes my mind clearer and focused. My attitude starts to shift and I feel more energy.  Here are three good reasons why decluttering is a healthy choice.

3 Reasons Why Decluttering Is Healthy:

1. You Can Decrease Stress; not having clutter around reduces your worry and anxiety. Next time your have unannounced guests, you don’t have to fret and scramble to hide things before letting them in. Just knowing your place is environmentally friendly is a load off the old noggin.

2. You Can Breathe Easier; regular household dust is enough to deal with. But excessive clutter may contain mold, and other toxins that can complicate health issues further, especially if you have asthma or other breathing problems.

3. You Can Clear Your Mind; did you know that clutter can actually interfere with your brain’s ability to process information. Think about it. Clutter is akin to chaos. Studies have proven that chaos restricts our ability to focus. When we are in a a clutter-free space we experience more energy and productivity.

Did you find the above information helpful? If so, you will enjoy my new book,
Organically Yours; Open Yourself To A Vibrant Healthy Life Through Clean Living. Here I discuss the concept of clean living and how it affects our mind, body and environment.


You can grab your copy for only $1.00 plus S&H. As soon as I have the book in my hands, I will mail your autographed copy with a special gift directly to your door step.




The day I looked into the mirror and saw a reflection that was not my own was the wake-up call I needed to take total and complete charge of my health and my life.

In my new book, Organically Yours; Open Yourself To A Vibrant Healthy Life Through Clean Living, I share my personal journey back to health and the necessary changes I implemented to get well.


This experience has no doubt has changed my life and I know it can help you too.  I will guide you through a comprehensive approach to take charge of your life concentrating on three specific areas; the mind, the body, and the environment.

We all strive for a stress-free life, but without the proper self-care and nourishment, it can seem like it’s almost impossible to achieve.  I learned that it is so important to take care of your body as it is the best tool for decluttering your environment and taking control of your thoughts.

I don’t want you to have to wait until a crisis occurs.  You can begin healing yourself through clean living today!

You can help support organic, clean living by sharing this message and pre-ordering Organically Yours for only $1.00 plus S&H.  Grab it right HERE!







Have you ever had the feeling that there is so much more to life than what you already have?  Do you struggle trying to balance your health, your mindset and your living space?  Does it feel impossible to do?

What if, instead, the constant battle went away?  You could simply transform your life so you could reach optimum health, clearer thinking and a smart environment?  Can you imagine what that would look like – what it would feel like?  In this book, Patricia Diesel helps you make it possible.

In Organically Yours, Patricia shares her personal journey back to health and guides the readers through a comprehensive organic approach to wellness.  The personal stories of others will certainly open you to a vibrant, healthy life and The Vim and Vitality Checklists will help you easily make the change.

Patricia’s own deep insights and experience as a professional coach, author and speaker makes Organically Yours a positive and motivational read.  You can take a pro-active approach to your wellness.  You don’t have to wait until a true crisis occurs.  You can begin healing yourself through clean living today!

I’VE MISSED YOU – Let’s Catch Up!

I’ve Missed You – Let’s Catch Up!

It has been a long time since we have spoken and I really do miss you!

I am sure a lot of things have been going on in your life and I want to hear all about them.

There have been BIG CHANGES in my life that I would love to share with you as well.

So let’s catch up and talk.  I would really love to hear from you!

I can’t wait to catch up!



Spring is my favorite time of year. Everything comes alive!  I feel so happy when I wake each morning to a colorful landscape and bursts of sweet aromas.  It’s breathtaking to me.

The season of spring is also a time when we become more active and we want to do things. If you’re anything like me, I would venture to say that you also have one of those “forever” to-do lists…just waiting for each item to be checked off.

This is why I have designed a new program to help you accomplish all those “things” that have been long awaiting your attention.  I want you to start this spring season strong!

No matter if they are household items, office tasks, or personal goals – Boot Camp will help you get the results you want!

I’m going to share a few things that are on my “List” and I am also going to share something very personal with you so you can understand why I want to help you get things done!

Won’t you please join me this Thursday?  All you have to do is register below and show up.  You will be very happy you did!

Register Now!


Do you wish you had a Secret Elixir for curing your clutter – so you can live a better life?

I got ya covered!  I cracked the clutter code!

I’m about to share with you 3 Secret Elements that will radically change your clutter situation.

If you want to dig yourself out of your clutter rut, implement a tried and true organizing system, and improve the quality of your life immediately … then you’re in for a big treat!

Tuesday, March 7th @ 7:00 PM (ET) I am hosting an on-line event – free of charge – to let you in on the 3 Secrets to Curing Clutter.

All you have to do is register below and the details will follow.

Plus I will be sharing with you The Single Tip that will bring you immediate relief from the chaos of clutter.

See ya soon!



Change Your Ways

It’s not always easy to just “change” our ways. Especially when we have been in the habit of doing the same thing over and over. The problem is that by not changing our “ways” we end up with the same results. This can leave us feeling disappointed when we are trying to achieve a life changing goal. 


Something that I found instrumental when I set out to “change” something is to figure out what is required of myself to make that change happen successfully.  By asking, ‘What am I currently doing that could be interfering with the progress of change?’  (What habit, routine, or pattern is blocking me from the change I so desire?) has been very helpful in identifying the inner work that I need to do.  When I am able to see that clearly, it helps me get realistic about the change I am seeking and how to go about it.


The key here is to think about how to break things down into a formula so the change doesn’t feel so overwhelming.  By looking inward first, we can then begin to take the outward steps that will lead us to the course of successful change.


Closets Are Indicative Of Your Mind!

I’ve heard it said that ‘Closets are indicative of our mind.’  A messy closet, a cluttered mind.  An organized closet, a clear mind.

Closets Are Indicative Of Your Mind

I would agree that once a person cleans out their closet, they feel like they can think again. The problem is that many people have a hard time with the de-cluttering process. They tell me they feel overwhelmed just thinking about it.  They feel fearful that once they start they won’t be able to finish and they’ll be left with an even bigger mess. Some even report a sense of panic.

As a Clutter Coach who has worked with many people in their closets, I can share with you that these feelings are not just about the daunting act of  cleaning up.  It goes a little deeper.  It’s about what their things represent for them; unrealized plans, long-lost memories, etc.  

But I’ve got good news!  I cracked the code for cluttered closets. I’m about to share with you

3 Secret Elements that will radically change your clutter situation. Think of it as your very own Secret Elixir.

If you want to dig yourself out of your clutter rut, implement a tried and true organizing system, and improve the quality of your life immediately … then you’re in for a big treat!

Thursday, February 2nd @ 7:00 PM (ET) I am hosting an on-line event – free of charge – to let you in on the 3 Secrets to Curing Clutter..

All you have to do is register below and the details will follow.
Register Now!