
One Word That Can Bring You Success


I’m often asked, “What is the secret to being organized?”

I have deep empathy for people who struggle with clutter and disorganization – because I have witnessed the pain they go through.

Just this morning I was talking to one of my students about how her life has changed since she got organized –  simply because she was able to say “Yes.”

Here’s what I mean by that –

I’m sure you can relate to getting all fired up about something, and then talking yourself out of it with all the reasons why it isn’t possible and why it won’t work out for you.

Well,  I’m here to tell you for certain, the ONLY reason things don’t work out for you is  that  you keep  finding all the reasons to say “no”, rather than all the reasons to say “yes.”

Because my client said “YES,” she’s now able to –

  • Invite people over to her home without worrying about being embarrassed by clutter
  • Find her things without always feeling like she’s on a scavenger hunt
  • Feels more peaceful and relaxed in her home which helps her sleep better at night
  • Experiences more joy and happiness throughout her day

When you can muster up the courage to say “yes” you’ll see yourself making similar progress.

I want to encourage you to think of what it is you’ve been really wanting, and then say “yes.” You’ll feel a shift inside you immediately.

And then, continue saying “yes” as you take each and every step until you find yourself living your best life – organized and all!

If you want my help on how to get started – all the details are

Can I Mentor You For The Next 30 Days?

Can I Mentor You For The Next 30 Days?

How would you like to work with me for the next 30 days?

What would happen if you were able to let go of the things (clutter and all) that are standing in the way of you living your best life?

Would that progress make you happier, healthier, more productive and fulfilled?

Well to get there, perhaps you need a coach.

Just like elite athletes need a coach helping them climb to higher levels, so do you.

That’s why I’m kicking-off my 30 Day Challenge; Flourish In Wellness.

And if you act now, you’ll be able to take advantage of the

Early Bird Registration.

You can get all the details here!

Generating Good Luck

Generating Good Luck!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

It’s the day where people all around the world get dressed up in green, meet up with good friends, and celebrate the day and night with good luck charms by their side.

It really is great fun!

I have this picture of my Mom when she was a little girl standing in front of a thatched cottage in Ireland where she was born.   Perhaps that’s where my love of cottages began. In any event, I love it so much, I think of it as my “good luck charm.” 

But, the day also reminds me of how many people out there rely on sheer luck to get through their clutter.  Although I am a big fan of the luck of the Irish, it does take a little bit more than that to get your “stuff” in order.

I have a 3 step process that just might produce a little luck if you’re ready to put a little muscle behind it.

Here’s how it works:

Step 1:  Assess the clutter
Go through every area of your home.  Room by room.  Then on a scale from 1-10, (10 being the highest amount of clutter) rate your clutter accordingly. This way you have an accurate picture of what’s happening and you’re facing your clutter challenges.

Step 2: Choose the clutter
Based on your rating, select an area where you would like to begin. Depending upon your level of energy and/or how much the clutter is affecting you, you can either dive right into the most cluttered area or start with the smaller amount.

Step 3:  Prioritize the clutter
Show up like you mean it!  Figure out how much time you think it’s going to take you to tackle the clutter in each area and then schedule it.  Put it on your calendar, planner, to-do list, whatever it takes to remind you that you are taking this serious.

Do this consistently and you’ll generate your own good luck for clutter-free living.

Again, here’s wishing you a great St. Patty’s Day!  Go green!

Need A Little Magic In Your Life?

Are you familiar with the folk tale of Aladdin (the Disney movie from 1992) where he rubs a  magic lamp and a genie appears and grants him 3 wishes?

It’s one of my favorite stories.

I sometimes wonder if I was granted 3 wishes like Aladdin, what I would choose and how my life would change.

So I make a little game out of it.  I think really hard about the 3 wishes I would like.  Then I try to figure out if I can turn those wishes into achievable goals.

It’s pretty interesting how this little game reveals some really big stuff.

I encourage you to try it.

Lately I’ve been thinking about how I can help make some of your wishes come true and turn them into achievable goals.

With Spring right around the corner, tidying up and getting organized I’m thinking might just be one of them.

If that’s the case, head on over HERE and see how I’ve created some magic just for you!

How To Get Out Of A Clutter Rut Fast

The one thing I hear most often from people who have clutter is that they feel like they’re in a rut.

They know they are in a clutter cycle but they don’t know how to get out of it.

They describe a certain heaviness around them, as if they’re buried beneath their stuff.

That’s why the expression, “dig yourself out of a rut” gives such an accurate description of what  people are up against with their clutter.

I explain that a rut is actually a an established habit. A pattern of behavior that becomes unproductive.

I go on to further explain that without the right support it can be very difficult to get out of a clutter rut.

The first step in breaking the clutter cycle is acknowledging that you need help and allowing yourself to receive it.

In the past I’ve shared my Secrets to Cure Clutter with great success for people who are experiencing overwhelm.  I’ve been told that it’s like opening a potion of secret powers because they finally feel relief.  It’s that potent.

Spring is right around the corner and most of you will be looking to declutter and get your surroundings in order.  It’s the perfect time to take advantage of my special offer and get a jump-start on getting organized.

You can find out how to get your SECRET ELIXIR here!


Sometimes You Can’t Do It Alone

Sometimes it just feels too tedious, too much, too overwhelming to get things done.

As hard as you try, and as much as you want to push through, you find yourself stopping and getting frustrated.

It’s a hard battle with clutter, especially during this time of year with tax season in full gear and papers piling up.  Everything can feel, well, just too much!

This is the time when social organizing can be helpful.

Judith Kolberg writes about this in her book, Conquering Chronic Disorganization, discusses how many people find the act of organizing, sorting and weeding through difficult to do on their own.  She writes about social organizing and also body doubling, which is where an organizer sits quietly, as a silent partner, and/or can facilitate by handing over paperwork, files, etc. 

The key here is that the work would not be accomplished without the silent partner as a body double provides you with an anchor and a mirror.

Can you relate to this?  Perhaps today is the day you recognize that you’re tired of wasting time, and getting nowhere.  By working with a professional you can pull yourself out of this vicious cycle. Interestingly enough, the person helping you doesn’t have to be there in person in order for you to get things done. 

I’ve worked for years virtually, helping people de-clutter their spaces, sort through their things, organize their rooms.  There’s a level of comfort that provides the person the right dose of motivation and confidence to complete their tasks, simply by having me there to answer a question or give advice if needed. 

With the commitment of a specified amount of time and the right dose of willingness, magic happens. 

To make an appointment to see if social organizing is right for you, simply click here!





CLUTTER; The Great Imposter


The Great Imposter

When Mary first contacted me, she told me she was feeling a lack of motivation and extremely overwhelmed due to her excessive clutter.  She was concerned that the clutter was getting out of control and it was making her feel anxious on top of everything else.

I explained to her that clutter is just an outward  manifestation of what a person is feeling.  The clutter can intensify these feelings, but the clutter is not the cause of her lack of motivation and overwhelm.

It’s not unusual for a person to think that their clutter is the cause of their emotional upheaval.

For example:  The clutter simply mirrors back what you are feeling about yourself.  So when Mary says the clutter is making her feel overwhelmed and unmotivated, what she’s really saying is that she’s feeling that way.

The way to overcome Mary’s clutter is to take a deeper look at what is causing her to feel this way.  By doing so, she will eventually get to the underlying reason (root cause) of her physical clutter.

This is a very important step in the process of healing oneself of clutter.  If you just try to “clean-up” the clutter without addressing the root cause, the clutter will come back.  This is why we call it the cycle of clutter.

Usually the clutter gets stronger with each cycle.

Although this can at first feel uneasy, I assured Mary that by showing up and facing her fears, it would lead her to a better understanding of what’s driving her to outwardly manifest. With this new understanding she would be able to gain a fresh perspective and learn how to deal with her emotions in a more positive, healthier way.

Clutter has many faces and can deceive a person into thinking many things – it’s why I refer to it as the Great Imposter.  But don’t be fooled.  Your clutter is just you, trying to get your attention.

If you’re looking for more information on how to resolve your clutter, I suggest you begin with my on-line mindfulness program that will take you through all the steps necessary to living a clutter-free life.

You can get that program HERE!





Home, Sweet Home

Home, Sweet Home

Home, sweet home is an expression of delight/contentment on returning home after an absence.

Research suggests that it originated from a song from the opera Clari, or the Maid of Milan which was first performed at Covent Garden, London in 1823.

The lyrics were written by American actor and playwright John Howard Payne (1791-1852).

Popularized during the late 19th century it became an anthem for soldiers during the American Civil War.

Since my home is an actual cottage, I especially love these few lines:.

Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam,
Be it ever so humble there’s no place like home!
An exile from home splendor dazzles in vain;
Oh, give me my lowly thatch’d cottage again!
Home! Home! Sweet, sweet home!
There’s no place like home!

So how are you feeling about your home these days? Is your home something you refer to as home, sweet home after an absence or do you feel anxious and overwhelmed upon your return?

In a study that surveyed residents of the US and Canada on the relationship between clutter and personal well-being, the research hypothesizes that clutter might prevent people from reaping the benefits of having a home – a place commonly associated with comfort and security.
(“The Dark Side of Home” – Journal of Environmental Psychology)

One of the key findings was that:

Clutter had a negative impact on self-reported well-being and a “strong negative impact on feelings of security, safety and other positive emotional benefits derived from a sense of psychological home,” a term that refers to the concept of “home” as a “vital source of meaning, belonging, and identity.”

The one thing I know for sure is that clutter hurts. It hurts your well-being in all aspects and robs you of having a home, sweet home.

If you’re experiencing clutter and are ready to learn some powerful strategies to take back your home, you have three things you can do immediately for a better quality of life.

1. Contact me for a complimentary Discovery Call by clicking here.
2. Invest in my on-line course that will always be a valuable resource for you by clicking here.
3. Grab my latest book with extra bonus goodies for great wellness tips by clicking here.

You owe it to yourself to have a home that you can feel calm and relaxed in.

Don’t wait one minute longer.

Turn Chaos Into Calm By Reconnecting With The Lighter Side Of Life

Organically Yours All In One

Sometimes life doesn’t go the way you planned.  A heath setback, career change or end of a relationship can cause mental stress. Stress that may feel unfamiliar and scary at times.

If we are open to it, we can usually find helpful tips that can ease the transition a little more gently while on the bumpy path of life.  Anything that can lighten the heaviness and safeguard your well-being is a plus.

During fragile times, it’s not uncommon however to revert to unhealthy choices.  Unfortunately when we choose this course, we eventually find that all we did was delay our healing and progress.  We come to learn that trying to fill a void with “things” just doesn’t work – and all you’re left with is the burden of excess; too much of this and too much of that.

In my book,  Organically Yours, I give you concrete action oriented steps  and spiritual practices to help you come to terms with some of life’s little challenges.  The idea is to grow and learn from your experience so you’re equipped with the right tools for life’s ups and downs.

It can be life altering when you walk toward the light and make bright healthy choices rather than running with fear and making impulsive, random decisions.

You see, I understand this familiar path.  I’ve been there.  And I can share with you that amidst the chaos it is possible to find the calm by reconnecting with yourself.  Your light is there.

Organically Yours takes a holistic approach to healing utilizing the body, mind and living environment.  I found  all three are equally important for a balanced life, especially in times of turmoil.

I’ve combined the book with training videos and a workbook that walks you through each component of the body, mind and living space.  You also get additional bonus items when you take me up on my special offer that you don’t want to miss! (You’ll have access to my inside secrets I learned when I was going through a difficult time.)

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  Go ahead, your brighter self will thank you for it!






Is Clutter Rooted In Unhappiness?

Is Clutter Rooted In Unhappiness?

Let’s talk about happiness and clutter for a moment…

Do you think you are really happy if you have clutter?  I want you to really think hard about that question.

Studies show that when we are unhappy we behave poorly – simply meaning we tend to develop unhealthy habits.

And let’s face it – having excessive clutter is a bad habit.

Unhappy people tend to focus on the negative and the stressors  in their life, whereas happy people go right to the fondness, nostalgia, and beauty parts, regardless of their challenges, chaos or tragedy they may have experienced.

With unhappiness, there’s a looming sense of dissatisfaction with life.  When there’s a genuine lack of self-satisfaction it’s understandable then why a person may internalize that their not “enough”  when they feel that life didn’t give them enough.

It makes sense then why people need to acquire and desperately hold onto “things.”  Clutter helps fill the empty void in their life and produces a false sense of happiness.  Happiness from things only lasts so long.

In the very first module of Mindful Tools for Organized Living, I have my students work through the root cause of their clutter.  This gives them the opportunity to peer into the past and look for clues that may indicate the onset of their clutter habit.

This insight is invaluable as it provides further clarity into the trigger points of clutter moving forward.

If you would like to learn more about how Mindful Tools for Organized Living can help you CLICK HERE!