
One Day…

If I gave you a dime for every time I’ve heard the words “one day,” you’d be a wealthy person.

That’s because the majority of people I talk to think one day they’ll be clutter-free and better organized.

Because, in their mind, one day they’ll actually pursue de-cluttering their life.

If you ever think that way, I’ve got news for you…

One day—that wonderful time when all the stars align—will never come.

If you want to live a clutter-free life and have the peace of mind you crave, your power is always at this moment.

So, why not start today and get serious about achieving a better quality of life and schedule a call with me. You’ll discover how to live a life of freedom where you’re in control – not the clutter.

Remember something – once you take action, you set the wheels in motion for change.  The momentum builds from there.  Soon after your life will be totally different. And I’m talking, living life on your terms, woohoo, different!

Resolve To Reduce Clutter


Well, February is almost over and I know so many of you had good intentions to resolve your clutter by now.

So let me ask you this…

Why do you think you continue to struggle?

If I had to guess, I would say that you think you can go it alone.  That it won’t take that long and eventually it will all go away and get better.  Sound about right?

Let me share something that I learned from one of the top motivational and productivity coaches in the world, Brendon Burchard.  There is something that highly productive people have in common and that is they all have support.  Whether it’s a team of people or an individual coach, they all recognize that having support is paramount to their success.

It’s the reason why I designed my on-line course, Mindful Tools for Organized Living. – to give people an on-going resource of support.

Listen, whether you’re trying to figure out how to declutter and let go of your things, or organize and find homes for your stuff, there are strategies that can help you resolve your clutter much easier and faster. If you’re struggling, it’s because you’re doing it the hard way.

Perhaps it’s time for you to commit to resolving your clutter, once and for all.

Talk to me – I am here to help.  Visit me here!

Local Author Day At Princeton Library – Come Out And See Me!


Come out and celebrate Local Author Day with me at Princeton Library!

I’m excited to share that I will be one of the featured authors at Princeton Library’s ninth Local Author Day for my book, Organically Yours; Open Yourself to a Vibrant, Healthy Life Through Clean Living.

Come on out and celebrate Local Author Day with me and other great authors.

It’s going to be a fun day!

Get the details HERE.





Health & Organizing Go Hand-In-Hand

The one thing I learned very quickly when I had my health scare was the value of being organized.

You see, we can’t predict the future, but we can control our environment. And having a living space that I knew I could rely on to be clean, tidy and organized made all the difference in the world for my recovery.

I talk about the benefits of being organized in this short little excerpt from an interview on the Life & Living Show.

Good health starts with being pro-active and taking a preventative course of action. Anything you can do to eliminate stress in your life is a step in the right direction because stress is inflammatory. So you want to reduce stress as much as possible. Getting organized is one way you can do that.

At the end of the video there is a link to my on-line version of Organically Yours that is bundled with bonus items, including a video series and workbook, 3 Lessons Everyone Needs To Know When Faced With A Health Crisis with video series, and a FREE Discovery call with me.

You can start getting organized today by clicking HERE!


Top 3 Benefits of Living An Organized Life

1. Decreases Stress
Not having clutter around reduces your worry and anxiety. Next time guests drop by you don’t have to panic and scramble to hide things.

2.You Can Breathe Easier
Living without clutter is good for your health. Excessive clutter may contain mold and other toxins that can complicate health issues and cause breathing problems.

3.Clears Your Mind
A clutter-free environment frees yours mind and aids in focus and concentration. Clutter causes chaos and can interfere with your brain’s ability to process information.

The Benefits Of Making Clutter A Top Priority

Here’s a little secret you need to know if you’ve been trying to win the war on clutter.

The key to overcoming your clutter challenge has a lot to do with follow-through. And the only way you will be able to do that is if you make it a priority.  Plain and Simple.

A thing that is regarded as more important than another.
(i.e., that thing is your clutter)

Saying something is important and then choosing to do something else is a conflict of interest. So saying you want to be clutter free, yet not making it important enough to make it a priority, will not cure your clutter.

So what to do, what to do….

First we need to understand why making something a priority helps us.

Here’s 4 Good Reasons:

1. It helps us organize our time
2. It helps us make daily choices that reflect our values
3. It helps us set boundaries with others
4. It helps reduce stress

Knowing something and implementing it is another story though, right? I get it. Especially when so many other “things” pop up.

But this is when you need to get real with your situation. How important is being clutter free to you? So the next time you’re in the “throws” of decluttering and something else feels like it’s taking precedence over being clutter free, ask yourself this:

If I say yes to this, what am I saying no to?

Now really think about this. Because you’re saying “no” to so much more than an organized space.  You’re saying no to saving yourself time, reducing your stress, honoring your values and establishing good boundaries for yourself. Yes?

Life can be busy and at times it feels as if we are being pulled in too many different directions. But if you can honestly answer the above question it can work wonders and help you keep things in perspective.

I think you get the idea!

Here’s to saying YES to living an organized life – for good!



If you’ve been struggling with clutter and would like a major breakthrough, then I’d like to invite you to take advantage of a special, “Break The Clutter Spell” personal, one-on-one coaching session.

This session will be especially helpful if you’ve been considering taking my Mindfulness Course and want additional insight on how the 6 Mindful Tools will change your cluttered environment into a healthy, organized one.

  • In our session we will create a crystal clear vision for the organizing success you desire.
  • Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your organizing efforts.
  • Leave the session renewed, re-energized, and inspired to enjoy a living space that is peaceful and organized.

If you’d like to take advantage of this very special, very limited, and totally FREE 30 minute “Break The Clutter Spell” coaching session, click reply and answer the questions below:

1. How long have you been struggling with clutter?
2. On a scale from 1-10, how would you rate the level of your clutter?
3. What have you tried so far to help break the clutter cycle?
4. What do you see as the major challenges holding you back from living an organized life?
5. On a scale from 1-10, how important is it to you to overcome your challenges and achieve the lifestyle you want today?

Email Address:
Time Zone:
Phone #:

Check the following areas you’d like to work on:

______ Emotional aspects of the clutter
______ Assessing clutter ratio
______ Overcoming energy challenges
______ Organizing plan – where to begin

I’m not sure how intense the response will be, so I can’t guarantee a coaching session for everyone. I’ll take as many people as I can and then start a waiting list. You can expect to get contacted to schedule your session within the next 3 business days.

If you don’t hear from me, it means I’ve received more requests than I can handle right now and if something opens up I’ll get in touch with you at a later time.

Again, to take advantage of this offer, simply click reply and answer the questions listed above.

Warmest regards,

Patricia Diesel, CPC

PS: The sooner you send us your answers, the more likely you are to get a session. Click reply now.

Your Personal Relationship With Clutter


In my new Mindfulness Course, I talk about the Dance of Clutter and the personal relationship one has with their disorganization.

You see, the way you interact with your clutter is very revealing to how you not only feel about the clutter but yourself as well.

The clutter, I go on to explain, is a reflection of thyself because it is your outward manifestation of what is going on for you internally.

The good news is that you can absolutely learn how to have a new relationship with your clutter – and a healthy one at that. You can create a living environment that reflects the healthier you as well.

I am offering a FREE INTRO CALL to introduce my new program, Mindfulness Tools for Organized Living. I have combined over 20 years experience into this program with careful execution and lots of love.

Currently I am teaching this course at various learning centers but I will be offering it on-line with personal coaching options for my clients.

Check out the silly selfie with the film crew setting up in my home for the video series I will be rolling out soon. Super exciting!

Register Now!

Please join me so I can share all the details about how this program supports conscious, healthy living for an organized lifestyle.

Ask The Clutter Coach

Tuesday’s Tips &  More

Ask The Clutter Coach

On Tuesday, August 7th @ 7:00 PM et, I will be starting up Tuesday’s Tips & More; Ask The Clutter Coach.  You can now ask me any questions you have about clutter, be it mental, emotional or physical.  If you want to know how to be more organized or achieve abundance through simplifying, I encourage you to ask away.
So often I get asked great questions.  I thought, well, why not create an opportunity for everyone to participate collectively.  If you have any questions or simply want to pick my brain, please join us for Tuesday’s Tips & More; Ask The Clutter Coach this Tuesday, August 7, 2018 @ 7:00 PM et.

Below is the phone number and access code to participate:

Phone:  1-605-475-6333
Code:    270916
I look forward to your questions.  Talk to you on Tuesday!
PS:  Here’s your first tip to being organized:  Enter the information into your calendar now!