
Lessons Learned: A Framework For Organization


I learned a long time ago that there is so much more to organization than meets the eye.

Organization is a platform for real growth to occur and breeds an environment that is conducive to wellness for your body, mind and environment.

Because I believe in the power of organization, I would like to invite you to my upcoming workshop:

A Framework For Organization

You can get all the juicy details by CLICKING HERE!






Have you ever had the feeling that there is so much more to life than what you already have?  Do you struggle trying to balance your health, your mindset and your living space?  Does it feel impossible to do?

What if, instead, the constant battle went away?  You could simply transform your life so you could reach optimum health, clearer thinking and a smart environment?  Can you imagine what that would look like – what it would feel like?  In this book, Patricia Diesel helps you make it possible.

In Organically Yours, Patricia shares her personal journey back to health and guides the readers through a comprehensive organic approach to wellness.  The personal stories of others will certainly open you to a vibrant, healthy life and The Vim and Vitality Checklists will help you easily make the change.

Patricia’s own deep insights and experience as a professional coach, author and speaker makes Organically Yours a positive and motivational read.  You can take a pro-active approach to your wellness.  You don’t have to wait until a true crisis occurs.  You can begin healing yourself through clean living today.

Please Don’t Wait…Until Your Life Depends Upon It

I believe people really want to improve the quality of their life and eliminate the chaos and clutter. Unfortunately, for most, it takes some sort of crisis to get things moving along.
I hear all types of reasons why people put off getting organized – until critical conditions force them to take action as if their life depends upon it. 
So ask yourself, ‘Is that what you really want?’ To wait for a crisis to occur before you begin to live the life you really deserve? Is it really?
I’m going to be brutally honest here. It’s hard enough to clear out your things and get your life back on track when everything is out of sorts.  I understand this. But compound that under panic conditions and well, that’s a whole different story.
So if in your quiet moments you hear your inner voice saying:
  • I need to change my life
  • I can’t take this anymore
  • I want to be free of this stuff


Please Listen To Yourself – Pay Attention To Your Voice.



If you are ready to create change in your life, then you MUST register for this special opportunity to participate in a Virtual Assessment and Consultation with me. This is where I will take an inside look at your environment and consult with you – it’s just as if I was there in person.  Your session will last 1.5 hours with me.

In your personal Virtual Assessment and Consultation you will learn:

  • How to uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your organizing efforts and keep you cluttered.
  • How to gain perspective by sharing your struggles without worry, shame or guilt.
  • How to create a crystal clear vision for the ideal life you deserve to have.
  • How to develop an inspired action plan and immediately put it into working order.
  • How to transform your thoughts of “I can’t’ to “I CAN and I WILL BE ORGANIZED.”
  • How to set up a maintenance program for optimum success.

If you no longer want to operate from a place of fear, and you do not want to wait until a crisis occurs before you make a choice to  get organized, then please take advantage of this special opportunity I am offering you.

I know the pain clutter brings – I understand how it creeps up and robs you like a thief in the night.  You can do something about this – please don’t wait until your life depends upon it.  Act Now!



 P.S. – Once you register, you will receive your Welcome Package and detailed information to schedule your session.

Disorder Distracts – Order Brings Focus

I’ve heard it been said that “Wisdom is the study of difference.”

I thought about this and how it applies to disorder and order.

For example, I have always said…

“Show me a person with clutter and I will show you their lack of follow through.”

Clutter, a form of disorder, distracts the mind.

Organization is order and brings clarity.

Look at the below picture – do you think you can be productive, focused, and orderly in this environment?


Now look at this picture – do you think this environment would bring about focus, clarity and order?



What are you experiencing right now?  Do you understand the difference between order and disorder in the context of how it can make a true difference in your life?

Here is a fact:

If I can change what you know, I can change what you do.

And if I can change what you do to help you be more organized and efficient, I think you will then understand that “Wisdom is the study of difference.”

Interested in learning more?  I hope so!  I will be teaching you how to apply 7 Organizing Laws into your life that are bound to be life changing.

So don’t waste any more time – register now!



Virtual Workshop – Creating A Life In Balance

Finally, A Virtual Workshop Designed To Bring You Comfort and Ease Right In The Luxury Of Your Own Space!

The world is a crazy place – we are constantly in high gear, trying to balance our lives and still maintain some sanity in the process.
With countless to-do lists, numerous tasks and endless errands and projects, time has become more precious than ever.
It’s time for you to regain control over your life and create a sense of balance in your world.
I am so excited to bring you this fabulous workshop that I have been teaching across the nation into your own virtual space.
That’s right – A Virtual Workshop designed to bring you comfort and ease to show you that creating a life in balance is simple – we just have to know what to do and how to do it!
You can count on:

Group Coaching
Homework Assignments
Class Recordings
Individual Attention

If you click on the link below – it will bring you to another page that will give you more detailed information on the workshop and how to register.
So go ahead –  check it out!


I can’t wait to see you in class!