
Clutter Begins And Ends With A Mindset

It’s astonishing how many people face an onslaught of clutter in their life.

It wouldn’t surprise me if your initial reaction to reading that gave you a little jolt of anxiety. I mean seriously, the thought of battling a mess everyday is exhausting, let alone actually having to experience it.

But the hard fact is: “54% of Americans are overwhelmed with clutter.”

Now, here’s something that people neglect to realize, and that is: “Clutter begins and ends with a mindset.” Yes, that’s right, I think that’s worth repeating…

“Clutter begins and ends with a mindset.”

You see, there’s something going on in the mind when someone has clutter. Now, just so we are crystal clear here, I”m not talking about the occasional messy home or office. I’m talking about the vicious cycle of clutter that feels like you’re trapped and can’t get out from under the piles and piles of stuff.

When that cycle is alive, there are very strong emotional blocks that are active as well. This is why it is extremely difficult to break free from the clutter syndrome because there is a conflict between the mind and heart.

Now, I can tell you form my 20 plus years experience as a Chronic Disorganization & Hoarding Specialist, that this is a very serious problem, however, the good news is that it is solvable. It does take some work, but there is a cure for clutter.

The cure for clutter not only has to do with developing good skills and forming new healthy habits, but it also has to do with readjusting our attitude and limiting beliefs. This is how the emotional blocks get penetrated and this is how a new mindset then occurs to end the clutter.

One of the ways I help people begin the process of de-cluttering their life is through a Mind Clearing Session. I’m sure you’ve heard me talk about this previously and have read the testimonials. The Mind Clearing does exactly that – it helps bring clarity and a deeper understanding to one’s higher self.

I’m hosting a FREE webinar discussing this and so much more. If you can relate to what I just wrote about, you owe it to yourself to attend. (Really, you do!)

Click the button below to learn more and reserve your spot!

I hope to see you soon!


Look what I found while cleaning out my basement


Watch the video and then be sure to click on the link below it!



How To Re-Focus And Find Simplicity In The New Normal


As the country slowly starts to open up, there are still many challenges and adjustments ahead, as people start to get back to work – new procedures and protocols will have to be put in place.
Therefore, we will need to become more mindful of our personal habits and learn how to adapt as we get used to the “NEW NORMAL.”

Now more than ever, you need to be ORGANIZED because these changes will influence your home and work environment. It is ESSENTIAL that you sharpen your skills for focus, self-discipline, and time management.

And it’s equally important to keep things as SIMPLE as possible!
A brief overview of what you’ll learn in the workshop:
  • Mind Hacks:  To overcome stress and overwhelm and maintain a positive attitude
  • Clutter Solutions: To control clutter overload in your home and work space
  • ​Motivational Tips: To ensure self-care remains a top priority for your wellness
  • Safety Strategies:  To establish new boundaries and healthy habits
  • Skill Sets: To manage your time efficiently for focus and productivity

Now more than ever you need to learn the skills to navigate your way through The New Normal.  Being organized is just one of them.

Learn more about this very special workshop by clicking the link below:




The Psychology Of The To-Do List

There are many benefits to writing a to-do list.  However, despite the gain, there are some people who will resist them.  Let’s take Mary for example.  Mary is an artist with a very active lifestyle. Her professional and personal life combined has her going in many directions.  Mary told me that she was starting to feel overwhelmed and some of her tasks were falling through the cracks.  When I inquired if she was using a to-do list to help her plan out her day, she informed me that “occasionally” she would scribble a few things down.

Although Mary was made aware of how a list could help manage her stress, she still resisted using one for a very long time.  She said, it stifled her flexibility. She felt that if she kept a list, it would tie her down and restrict her creativity. This is not an unusual response ( at least I found in my practice) with very creative people. They have adopted a belief that putting their thoughts down in order will somehow interfere with their creative flow.

Gradually, though, Mary came around. The busier  her life became, the more crucial it was to have some sort of running agenda on hand. Before long, not only did she embrace her to-do list but Mary even started scheduling some of those items onto a weekly calendar. In other words, she reluctantly become a planner.

Looking back, Mary admits that it wasn’t the actual writing of the list that she found so difficult, as it was the transition of doing so.  She now understands that she had emotional blocks surrounding her beliefs about to-do lists.  Once Mary was able to work through her roadblocks, she had a  different perspective of drawing up a list.  She is now in agreement that planning helps her get things done more efficiently and does not interfere with her creative nature.

Here’s the psychology of the to-do list – studies have shown that people perform better when they have written down what they need to do.  There are three reasons for this:  they dampen anxiety about the chaos of life; they give us a structure, a plan that we can stick to; and they are proof of what we have achieved that day, week or month. (the

Simply put, the brain loves order. That’s why being organized makes us feel so good.

If you’re interested in finding ways to make your life easier and more manageable, you can schedule a consultation with me by CLICKING HERE.

Feeling Overwhelmed? Try This.

We all feel overwhelmed at times.  And overwhelm is no stranger to lack of follow through.

Don’t beat yourself up and don’t put so much pressure on yourself if you are having difficulty right now completing something.

The mind on overwhelm is complicated.  It’s going to signal you to feel an array of emotions which can leave you feeling anywhere from anxious to exhausted.

But there are things you can do to control the chaos and be productive again.

Here’s how:

First, you need to capture it.Take the ‘overwhelm’ out of your head and put it on paper, where you can distance yourself from it a bit.  Just brain dump everything that is gnawing at you that you would like to get done.

Then I want you to sort it all out.  We refer to this as “Chunking.”  Think of it as categorizing your tasks and to-dos with headings and then sub-headings (keeping like with like).

Here’s an example:


ERRANDS (Category)                                         CALLS (Category)
Post Office (Sub)                                                  Make Eye Dr. Appt. (Sub)
Dry Cleaners (Sub)                                              Dinner Reservations (Sub)
Bank (Sub)                                                             Home repair estimates (Sub)

Next, choose the category that you want to take care of immediately.  Don’t overthink it.

And finally, take Action.  Either do it immediately, schedule it into your calendar, delegate the task, but take action right there and then.

By doing this simple exercise your mind will reward you by feeling uplifted and more positive.

Remember, break things down as much as possible whenever you feel it’s getting too big for your mind to handle.  It’s how you find simplicity in the complicated.

Want To Get Organized Without Going Bonkers?

Want To Get Organized Without Going Bonkers?

Does the thought of getting organized stress you out?  It doesn’t have to.

There are ways to declutter, sort and organize in ways that actually make you feel good.

The concept behind living an organized life is to have a lifestyle that is conducive to wellness.  It’s for your own well-being so you can breathe easy, feel more relaxed and confident at the same time.

Don’t let worry, fear or procrastination rule your life.  You don’t have to live with clutter and disorganization.

I can give you some really cool tips and valuable lessons on how to start, where to begin, etc., by writing them here, but I think I would serve you best if we spoke directly.  So I want to offer you a complimentary organizing session.

Simply schedule your FREE call with me by clicking here. 

Spring is in the air – and it’s the best time to get started.  So let me help you get it together!

Go ahead – take advantage of my offer now by scheduling a session with me HERE!

CLUTTER; The Great Imposter


The Great Imposter

When Mary first contacted me, she told me she was feeling a lack of motivation and extremely overwhelmed due to her excessive clutter.  She was concerned that the clutter was getting out of control and it was making her feel anxious on top of everything else.

I explained to her that clutter is just an outward  manifestation of what a person is feeling.  The clutter can intensify these feelings, but the clutter is not the cause of her lack of motivation and overwhelm.

It’s not unusual for a person to think that their clutter is the cause of their emotional upheaval.

For example:  The clutter simply mirrors back what you are feeling about yourself.  So when Mary says the clutter is making her feel overwhelmed and unmotivated, what she’s really saying is that she’s feeling that way.

The way to overcome Mary’s clutter is to take a deeper look at what is causing her to feel this way.  By doing so, she will eventually get to the underlying reason (root cause) of her physical clutter.

This is a very important step in the process of healing oneself of clutter.  If you just try to “clean-up” the clutter without addressing the root cause, the clutter will come back.  This is why we call it the cycle of clutter.

Usually the clutter gets stronger with each cycle.

Although this can at first feel uneasy, I assured Mary that by showing up and facing her fears, it would lead her to a better understanding of what’s driving her to outwardly manifest. With this new understanding she would be able to gain a fresh perspective and learn how to deal with her emotions in a more positive, healthier way.

Clutter has many faces and can deceive a person into thinking many things – it’s why I refer to it as the Great Imposter.  But don’t be fooled.  Your clutter is just you, trying to get your attention.

If you’re looking for more information on how to resolve your clutter, I suggest you begin with my on-line mindfulness program that will take you through all the steps necessary to living a clutter-free life.

You can get that program HERE!





It’s All In The Mind

It’s All In The Mind

You may have heard how positive thinking is important to your mental health and also one of  the keys to The Law of Attraction.

But did you know that Neuroscience Research shows you can actually reprogram your brain?

So for people who have been trying to declutter their lives without success due to overwhelm, fear and procrastination, this can be very helpful.

In my Mindful Tools for Organized Living I dedicate an entire module to mind shifting so you can learn:

  • How to break old habits and build new ones
  • How to get rid of negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones
  • How to quickly and easily change your thoughts to a winner’s mindset

With the right tools and conscious effort, you can start thinking like a conqueror of clutter, and crush that negative self-talk.For example, instead of saying to yourself,  ” I’ll never get out from under all of this mess.  Who am I kidding, I’ll always have clutter.”

You will learn how to cancel out negativity and replace it with positive words like,
” I may have been disorganized in the past, but that was then and this is now.  I love being clutter-free.”

You owe it to yourself to open your mind and learn new strategies to live a healthier, clutter-free life.

Begin today and watch your mind shift and your life transform!

The Ultimate Women’s Workshop

It’s Finally Here…The Ultimate Women’s Workshop

“How to get ORGANIZED (for good!)

without the stress, overwhelm or procrastination.”

It’s finally here…The Ultimate Women’s Workshop!

It’s for women who want to get ORGANIZED (for good) without the stress, overwhelm or procrastination.

One of the main objectives we will be focusing on in the workshop (aside from learning how to be clutter-free) is the importance of self-care.

You might be very surprised how this impacts the cause and effect of clutter.

And here’s the beauty of it all…

The workshop is LIVE, on-line.  So you get to learn from the comfort of your own home!

This is a rare opportunity with an irresistible offer (watch my video) to finally get organized (for good!)

You can get all the details HERE!

See ya on the other side soon.

For The Busy Entrepreneur

From one entrepreneur to another, does all the time you put into growing your business ever overwhelm you to the point where you feel stressed, burnt out, disorganized, and cluttered?

I was there not too long ago myself. In fact, my daughter was constantly chastising me for never getting up from my desk and giving myself a break. “Mom, unglue yourself for a while,” she’d say. “Give yourself time to replenish and reboot,” she’d say. But did I listen? No. Then I had a health crisis that I couldn’t ignore because it was speaking to me loud and clear.

Through that experience (and much by default!), I learned some difficult, yet extremely valuable lessons that have put me in a completely different spot today. For instance, I discovered that I needed to make my health and wellness a top priority or I would certainly lose them both. I also learned the value behind nourishing my body, keeping a positive attitude, and staying organized in my environment – no matter where I was in the business process – so I could be the best coach, speaker and mom that I could be!

If you’re interested in learning how you can implement these same types of strategies in your life, giving you some much-needed peace (and energy) as a busy entrepreneur, I’d love to jump on the phone for a few minutes and chat.

Why am I reaching out to my fellow business owners? Because I’m on a serious mission to help as many people as possible in my profession so they don’t find themselves in the same position I was…where their career is impacting their health.

Even if you’re hesitant, unsure whether this is the right path for you, well, heck, get with me anyway and let’s brainstorm all of your options! If a customized coaching program will help, great! Let’s set it up! If not, then let’s figure out what will help and get you started on it right away so you start to feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally!

If you’re ready to change your life (and your health), just email me @ [email protected] and we’ll schedule a call.

And if I don’t hear from you, I understand and wish you a long and super-successful career! Just take care of yourself…before someone else has to take care of you!