
Get Organized Like Your Life Depends Upon It

If you had to organize your life, I mean really organize it,



  • What would that look like for you?
  • What would be the first thing you would do? 
  • How would you go about making those changes?
Deep down, I believe people really want to improve the quality of their lives and eliminate the chaos and clutter. Unfortunately, for most, it takes some sort of crisis to get things moving along.
I hear all types of excuses why people can’t seem to get organized under “normal” conditions, but then I hear a new set of reasons why they “must” get organized under critical conditions.
So ask yourself, “Is that what you really want?” To wait for a crisis to occur before you begin to live the life you really deserve? Is it really?
Look, I’m going to be brutally honest here with you.  It’s hard enough as it is to clear out your things and get your life back on track when everything is out of sorts.  It takes a lot of determination and support.  But compound that under panic conditions and well, that’s a whole different ball game.
So if in your quiet moments you hear your inner voice saying:
  • “I’m ready”
  • “I can’t take this anymore”
  • “I want to get on with my life and be free of this stuff” 
Please Listen To Yourself!
If you are ready to create change in your life and want to hear the truth about how to go about it then you
MUST register for this tel-class.  In this class, I will be explaining the details of my upcoming on-line workshop.
Details such as:
  • How to create a crystal clear vision for the ideal life you’ll be living in your neat, tidy & organized environment.
  • How to uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your organizing efforts and keeping you cluttered.
  • How to gain outside perspective by sharing your struggles without worry, shame or guilt.
  • How to access support so you don’t have go it alone and feel isolated or overwhelmed.
This is going to be an awesome workshop that will provide you with extraordinary tools to help keep you clutter free once and for all.
So if you are truly ready to hear the truth and don’t want to wait for a crisis to happen before you do so, then don’t delay and register now for this tel-class!
Get more information
Register Now!
I can’t make it
Facing the truth is the first step to creating change.  We simply cannot change anything without a deeper understanding.As an added bonus, we will be hearing from a few clients that I have worked with that will share with you their experience.

Here’s your chance to learn from others – I hope you will take it! 
I look forward to you being on the call.
Always My Best,
Patricia Diesel, CPC
(908) 642-1226

Boot Camp Organizing Is Open

Welcome to Boot Camp!

A training program that can possibly change your life!
Why Boot Camp
You see, it has been my experience that people who struggle with task management, procrastination, and clutter have “something” in common.  That something is the lack of follow-through.

What I also found is that people sometimes equate the experience of following through with the word “discipline” which can conjure up negative feelings, possibly an experience of punishment or something of that nature.

Now this belief system can potentially limit them in this area until one comes from a place of understanding and acceptance, but I also found that sometimes, yes, sometimes, the best way to overcome the lack of follow-through is to just jump in with a “Boot Camp” attitude.

With your new “Boot Camp” attitude, you will no longer be saying things such as this:

  • “I can’t take it anymore”
  • “I can’t stand myself for being late”
  • “I’m so overwhelmed & frustrated”
  • “I’m so embarrassed I can’t have anyone over”
  • “I feel like a failure”
  • “I have too many things going on”
  • “I’m such a mess”

What is Boot Camp Organizing
Boot Camp Organizing is a program that will:

  • Create awareness
  • Put an end to self-defeating patterns
  • Develop an action plan
  • Have you feeling like a winner

Now don’t worry, there will be no one dressed in army fatigues screaming at you, but there may be whistles, alarm clocks and a few obstacle courses… (lol)

Here’s how it works:

Step One

You will show up to a Group Conference Call with everyone who has enrolled in Boot Camp.  There will be a meet and greet and sharing of each person’s challenge and struggle. This will now be your Peer Support Group to access through your training.  Count on making new friends.

Step Two

You will send me pictures/video of your entire home and/or office environment.  I understand I will be entering your world and I take that invitation very seriously.  You can count on confidentiality, respect and no judgement.

Step Three

We will set up a private one hour conference call, otherwise known as an “Intake Session” to review your pictures.  This session allows me the opportunity to assess your living conditions and consult with you in a very private and personal way. This will be invaluable information for me to understand you better, i.e., patterns, behaviors, circumstances.

Step Three

You will be given a suggested plan of action which will take into consideration your ability to invest physically, emotionally and financially.

Step Four

We will engage in a one-on-one weekly coaching program for 30 minutes for a period of 7 weeks.  That’s a total of seven (7) sessions.  They will be set each week on the same day and same time.  In these sessions we will:

  • Set your agenda for the devised plan
  • Create next steps
  • Have deliberate target dates
  • Have measurable outcomes

Step Five

We will develop a “Best Practice” for you to then utilize moving forward in your organizing pursuits and maintenance routine.

Please Note:  Our time together is considered just like “Real Time.”  You have the option to engage via internet, telephone or Skype. This is a modality that I have used for many years to service clients nation wide and is just as effective as if I were there “live.”

What Does Boot Camp Cost?

For the “purpose” of Boot Camp I am making an outrageously low offer that you simply will not be able to resist…that is, if you are truly serious about seizing an amazing opportunity to change the course of your life.

Remember, you will receive a private, one-on-one consultation & assessment with me and seven private coaching sessions.  A value worth thousands of dollars.  But for this Boot Camp Special the price is an amazingly low price of only $399.00. 

Since I am only able to take a handful of clients at this deeply discounted offer, you will have to act NOW if you want to guarantee your spot in Boot Camp.  So show me your new Boot Camp attitude and…


Once you register you will be sent your Welcome Package with all the detailed information about Boot Camp Organizing!

So what will it be?

Will you be showing up with your sleeves rolled back, ready to jump in, combat your clutter and disorganization, and win the battle…

Or will you continue to find excuses of why you can’t enlist.

So what will it be….the choice is yours!

Can Teaming Up Actually Calm You Down?


Can working as a team have benefits beyond moral support?

Researchers at Santa Clara and Stanford Universities have found that exercising with a partner enhances a workout’s stress-reducing effects – benefiting body and mind.  What they discovered was that when working with a partner, people generally felt calmer then if they worked solo.  They also concluded that whether they chatted or not through their regimen, the dialogue did not have an adverse effect on their results, and that the feelings of calmness usually lasted well into the evening hours.

In the Professional Organizing world – there is a similar parallel which we refer to as the “Body-Double.”  The purpose of the Body- Double is to act like an anchor, not an active assistant in the process of organizing.  The concept is to help the other person stay focused and ignore distractions, simply by being present.

Often, this practice provides emotional support, as clients will feel that having a Body-Double gives them permission to finish what needs to be done,  thus calming their feelings of overwhelm and reducing their urge to walk away.  It is a highly effective strategy that leaves the persona feeling empowered and satisfied.



Question From A Facebook Reader

Hi Patricia.

I would like to know the best way of getting a hoarder to realize she needs professional help, as they all think they can do it themselves, the “it” being cleaning out their homes.

Obviously, they can’t because if they could, their homes wouldn’t be that way in the first place.

I believe those were the exact words you said to my friend, and that almost got her to the point where she agreed – almost.

My feeling is that their perception is so far from reality that they won’t seek help on their own, that some type of intervention must take place, like the threat of eviction, or an ultimatum set by family or friends.

I would appreciate your thoughts.


My Comment:

Hoarding is a complicated disorder and everyone reacts and responds differently.

(Notice how I used respond and react)

Ultimately the person needs to seek help for themselves, but unfortunately in many circumstances the help is forced upon them (despite their unwillingness) due to eviction or unmanageable conditions.

Support groups are always a good first step to learn more and get educated.

I would be more than happy to discuss further with you at any point.

Take care.

Ready, Set, Go! (January 10th Tel-Class)

So the New Year is here…and resolutions were made.

Now the hard part comes into play – how to honor your commitment by staying true to your word.

It would be great if we could achieve our goals without a lot of effort, but we know this is not true.  Setting out to accomplish something means we have to finish what we started – and that means, starting at the beginning and following all the way through to fruition.

It appears that most people get frustrated with their resolutions and give up because they feel they will never get to the end – the final hooray where they can celebrate their victories.  But what most neglect to see is that in order to finish what you started you have to first get the right mind set.

So what do I mean by this?  Well for starters, once you make the conscious decision to make a resolution, it’s time to stop thinking and start acting on it.

Do It Today

Why is it so important to start today? It’s important to start today because putting things off just means that you’re feeding the cycle of making excuses. You can’t actively take part in your life while passively waiting for things to happen for you. Waiting doesn’t accomplish anything, at least not when you’re looking to change your life.

Plus, why would you want to waste even another moment if you can get started on your new and improved life today?

Sometimes we argue that our lives “really” don’t need improvement and that our resolution is  just a “pie in the sky” dream.   Usually we make these excuse when we are not willing to do the work.    Don’t allow complacency and stagnation to take over and destroy your personal advancement.

One of the best ways to get the ball rolling is by starting with a list of the things you want!

  • Maybe you always wanted to take a dance or art class.
  • Maybe you wanted to travel to a specific place or learn another language.
  • Maybe you want to declutter your home or office and get organized.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or depressed, you may want to start with things that would have an immediate impact on your self-esteem which will help boost your confidence level.  Anything that allows you to actively take a step further towards the person you want to be, while making you feel good about the fact that you’re taking action, is a worthwhile activity to engage in.

Set reasonable goals for yourself  and start slowly.  For example:

  • Clean off your desk as the first step rather than organizing the entire office.
  • Purge your dresser drawers first rather than revamping the whole room.
  • Walk around the block to start rather than trying to run a mile.

There’s an old saying – “Good things  come to those who wait.”  But guess what, “Good things come to those who take action.”

Good luck – I know you can do it!

Want to learn more on how to fulfill your 2012 goals – register for this amazing tel-class HERE!

Date:  Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Time:  6:00 – 7:00 PM Eastern Time

Tuesday’s Tips – 4/5/11 – What’s Your EQ?

What’s Your EQ?

Join us in this week’s Tele-Class

Are You Emotionally Intelligent?

April 5, 2011 – 6:oo PM – 7:00 PM Eastern Time

Here’s the buzz about EQ and why I am offering this class.

First let me begin by saying that over the years, it has been my experience that 99.9% of my clients can get organized…once taught.

This means, getting organized is a skill set that can be learned – at any age, any time.

If my clients were struggling before we met, it was usually due to one or two reasons:

1)  They were never exposed to the skill set adequately and therefore felt insecure in their ability


2)  They just didn’t want to do it because of a belief system they integrated into their life.

Regardless of either reason, the client did not feel good about their emotional intelligence.

I have found that once they were exposed to EQ, they had better self-esteem, more confidence, the ability to get organized and feel more in control over their life.

And it is for this reason I am offering this class – I want more people to feel better!

Register Now!

Do Your Actions Support Your Intentions?

Recently I was faced with a decision that was difficult for me to make because I truly cared about someone, but I also knew deep down inside that this person was not ready for what I was capable of in terms of a balanced relationship. 

My intentions were set from the beginning to meet someone who is “emotionally” available in mind, body and spirit.  Hence, a man appeared from my past that I found myself attracted to.   

As time took it’s course, I tried to evaluate whether or not my decision to not go forward was realistic  – was it because I was honoring my intentions – or was it in response to injured feelings of a past hurt.  I had to be clear. 

What I found was although my one time “Forever Man” did forever change my life, this also allowed me to see what I could and could not accept in terms of what was healthy for me.  

It was nice to have companionship, it was lovely to have someone who thought about me, and it was endearing to be wanted, yet I knew by staying, I would not support my intentions of a long lasting, loving relationship.

He thought he was ready, I knew he wanted to be ready.  There was the difference. 

What about you?  Are your actions in alignment with what you desire?  Are you being true to yourself, no  matter how fearful it is or how much it hurts?

(Excerpts from Patricia’s New Book)

Are You Buried Alive?

This Friday, Larry King Live will feature guests from TLC’s Buried Alive at 9:00 PM ET on CNN!


You don’t have to suffer alone. Millions of people are affected by clutter and hoarding. It takes an experienced professional to support you with compassion and empathy, to keep you accountable and committed for successful results.

I have been helping people virtually and in-house nationwide and globally, and I can help you too! It’s not too late to begin – it’s just the first step in the right direction to allow the process to unfold.

If you are experiencing an overwhelming amount of stress due to your own clutter or from a loved one, I urge you to get support.

Please let me know how I may assist you. Please visit my website @ for a wealth of information on this subject. Also, stay tuned for an upcoming show on LifetimeTV where I discuss this subject matter.

Until then, I wish you well!


Patricia Diesel

Patricia is Featured on TLC’s “TruthBeTold”

TLC’s “Truth Be Told”

August 12th, Wednesday, 9:00 PM

Hoarding Documentary

Series Premier – TLC Network

What a blast this was!  And to my Dear Friend and Client – “Alfie” you are an amazing Man! 

Reality TV Show – TLC Seeking Hoarding Candidates

TV Series Looking For Candidates
Do You Know Someone Who Needs Help With Hoarding?
A new television series on TLC is looking for people who are challenged with hoarding. There are many benefits to being on this show, including funds for organizing and professional support; to include myself and other mental health facilitators.This is an extraordinary opportunity to finally get the help you need!

Please call me to discuss the details immediately at the following number: (908) 766-9670

Don’t Delay – Call Now!!


Patricia Diesel

Please…Serious Inquiries Only!

Contact Us

PHONE: (908) 766-9670