Black Friday Mania

Black Friday mania is here.

Everything is on sale, everything looks enticing, and everything is so tempting to buy, buy, buy.

But here’s the thing…

If you have an existing clutter problem, it’s a good idea to distinguish between what you will be purchasing versus what you will be investing in.

You see, a purchase can be a random, snap decision, based on impulse.  It’s something you see, want, buy and never really give too much thought about. Usually these purchases are stress related triggers and give you a negative return.

But, when you are truly making an investment in something, you are being mindful about your choice.  You’re considering why and how the investment will help you advance, overcome or improve some aspect of your life. The investment will give you a positive return.

Because I know the holidays are tempting times, I want to make sure that you have the right tools to keep you as organized as possible and as mindful as possible throughout the season.

My mindfulness program is designed to do just that.

And since it’s massively discounted, you will be saving on your investment that will give you a rapid return before 2019. Now that’s a bargain for Black Friday.

So if you want to live a stress-free, organized life, reduce your clutter for good, I’m going to suggest that you think about what’s most important to your overall well-being…

Gathering more stuff that will only clutter you up or making a sound investment that will improve the quality of your life?

Choose to be mindful.

Oh and by the way, the program has a money-back guarantee.  That’s how confident I am that you will be successful with your investment.  It’s a lifetime of savings.

PS:  If by chance you’re new to my community and have not purchased my book, Organically Yours

get it here and enjoy the extra bonus items to live a healthier, stress-free life.

Here’s to wise choices.


Top 3 Benefits of Living An Organized Life

1. Decreases Stress
Not having clutter around reduces your worry and anxiety. Next time guests drop by you don’t have to panic and scramble to hide things.

2.You Can Breathe Easier
Living without clutter is good for your health. Excessive clutter may contain mold and other toxins that can complicate health issues and cause breathing problems.

3.Clears Your Mind
A clutter-free environment frees yours mind and aids in focus and concentration. Clutter causes chaos and can interfere with your brain’s ability to process information.

5 Tips Why You Should Eat Celery


5 Tips Why You Should Eat Celery


When I was young, celery was just a vegetable that was added to soups or as an added ingredient for a recipe. Rarely did I eat it alone.

Boy, was I missing out on something good.

Today, I love this refreshing green vegetable that belongs to the Apiaceae plant family. Check out the benefits to adding it to your diet.

5 Healthy Benefits Of Adding Celery To Your Diet

1.Celery is a great source of important antioxidants.
2.Celery reduces inflammation.
3.Celery supports digestion.
4.Celery is rich in vitamins and minerals with a low glycemic index.
5.Celery has an alkalizing effect.

Your Personal Relationship With Clutter


In my new Mindfulness Course, I talk about the Dance of Clutter and the personal relationship one has with their disorganization.

You see, the way you interact with your clutter is very revealing to how you not only feel about the clutter but yourself as well.

The clutter, I go on to explain, is a reflection of thyself because it is your outward manifestation of what is going on for you internally.

The good news is that you can absolutely learn how to have a new relationship with your clutter – and a healthy one at that. You can create a living environment that reflects the healthier you as well.

I am offering a FREE INTRO CALL to introduce my new program, Mindfulness Tools for Organized Living. I have combined over 20 years experience into this program with careful execution and lots of love.

Currently I am teaching this course at various learning centers but I will be offering it on-line with personal coaching options for my clients.

Check out the silly selfie with the film crew setting up in my home for the video series I will be rolling out soon. Super exciting!

Register Now!

Please join me so I can share all the details about how this program supports conscious, healthy living for an organized lifestyle.

Morning Mindfulness of Clients With Clutter

Morning Mindfulness of Clients With Clutter

I know this may seem random – making a video first thing in the morning -but I did. I did this because as soon as I woke up and went downstairs to grab some breakfast, it hit me. Wow – I love having a home that is organized – neat and tidy, because it allows me to continue the peaceful feeling I have from the moment I wake up. So in other words, I am able to carry that feeling throughout the day because my environment supports that.

I am very mindful of this and the fact that you are desiring the very same thing and yet you are struggling. This is what hit me this morning because it hurts me that you are not getting what you want. And for me, it’s so easy to have and yet you don’t. Well, the time is here that is all going to change.

6 Mindful Tools To Being Clutter Free is a program I created where I put all of my 20+ years experience together. It shows you within each tool, in a very precise way, how to get serious and real with your clutter so you are equipped mentally, physically and emotionally to combat it. From there, the program supports you with the tools to be precision like with your skills to learn the art of decluttering and organizing.  As you get skillful and find your way to a clutter free environment – you then learn with the next set of mindful tools what to expect and how to deal with backsliding to keep your living space organized for good.

Without a shadow of the doubt – if you follow this program – I assure you – you will be successful. It is not a program for someone who is going to dabble or play hide-n-seek with. It is for the serious student who wants to transform their life. If you are willing to show up – take responsibility for your life – and commit to the process without skipping the steps – you will be clutter-free.

Here’s my morning video with an invitation to learn more about how I want to help you. But you must want to help yourself too. Check it out and if you’re ready join me on a call for Monday – August 20, 2018 – at 7:00 pm – et,  here are the details:

Your Access Code: 9545600
Online Meeting Room URL:

If you prefer to call in use the below phone numbers:  remember to use the access code:  9545600

United States
(605) 475 4120

United States
(218) 339 7800



Wednesday Wellness – Tips For Clean Living

Wednesday Wellness:  Tips For Clean Living
“The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine
or the slowest form of poison.”
~ Ann Wigmore
Choose your food wisely. Good health begins with intentional eating.

The Forward Thinking Mind: how to get back on track and keep a positive attitude

The Forward Thinking Mind: how to get back on track and keep a positive attitude

It happens to all of us at some point. We get off track and fall into old, unproductive patterns. It doesn’t make us failures – even highly successful people experience setbacks. It just means we are not perfect and perhaps, we are human after all.

The catch here is knowing how to pick yourself up and get back on track. It’s easy to stay down and make excuses when life throws you a curveball. But where does that lead you? Nowhere productive. Instead, having the mindset that “this too shall pass” humanizes the experience and helps build-up a positive attitude toward life’s misgivings. Believe it or not, this actually attracts more positivity in your life.

Here are 6 ways to get back on track and maintain a forward thinking mind:

1. Do one positive thing each day. Think about it. Every time you do something uplifting, you automatically feel better. When you feel better you are more inclined to be more productive. This one little action can help your mindset.

2. Use your mindfulness. As you start to feel better, direct that energy toward a goal and take one small step that can influence change. This can rapidly begin to turn things around in a positive way.

3. Build a buildable plan. Start with small, positive, steps that you can build on. For example, let’s say your plan is to begin decluttering your life. Try at least each day to release something – whether you trash it, donate it or sell it. Eventually the letting go process will become easier to tackle.

4. Confirm your Plan. In other words, be committed to the new positive you by staying accountable. Instead of “saying” you’re going to do it, really do it by scheduling it into your calendar and “showing up.” This is an important step to reinforce positivity and by the way – eliminate your clutter quickly.

5. Surround yourself with like-minded people. It’s true, our environment influences us – this includes people. You want to be around people that have positive attitudes, know how to work through difficulties and stay optimistic.

6. Find a Partner. Sometimes an accountability partner is just the ticket we need to help get back on track. Don’t be afraid to reach out for support from someone who can help champion your goals.





I would like to share a quote from my book Organically Yours.

It brings me peace.  I hope it does the same for you.

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past,
not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles,
but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.”
~ Siddhartha Gautama Buddha

1 Major Reason To Eat Salad Daily

Listen, I can give you all the top reasons why you should eat salad. And tell you that by making just one simple change to your diet it can pay off with plenty of health benefits. But unless you have been living underneath a rock for a very long time, you know all of this.

For instance, I’m sure you are aware that a bountiful salad is a convenient way to work in a couple servings of vegetables and fruit and is a good healthy habit to form. Especially if you have difficulty eating your veggies separately.

You probably also know that a salad provides you with the fiber that your body needs to help avoid constipation and lowering your cholesterol. And I’m betting you’ve heard that for years, research has shown that by eating a healthy dose of fruits and vegetables it can minimize your risk of many diseases, including cancer.

Not to mention that if your goal is to lose weight, well, a salad a day will certainly help with that as long as you don’t over do the fatty add-ons. Eating a little good fat is actually smart, such as olive oil, avocado and nuts.

I like to mix up my salads for the variety of taste and texture, but usually it is comprised of organic kale, baby arugula, baby spinach, pea or broccoli sprouts, carrots, cucumbers, mushrooms, asparagus, avocado, apple and tangerine slices, almonds, walnuts, choice of seeds… mixed all together with a little extra virgin olive oil and apple cider…with a sprinkle of sea salt.

Oh, and at this point, I’m also sure that you know that by eating a salad everyday with a generous amount of omega-3 foods keeps your brain healthy. And with the rise of dementia and Alzheimer’s this is vital to ensuring good health.

But let’s get back to the topic at hand… the  1 major reason why you should eat a daily salad.

Beyond how a salad can boost your body to wellness it can do something else for you. Studies have shown that by eating a salad a day it can actually keep you young and vibrant and reduce the aging process. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that pretty much the majority of the population will buy into this. Who doesn’t want to have supple skin, clear eyes, silky hair and stronger joints…?

I’m betting that there is also at least one person who wants to see you not only look and feel gorgeous but they want you to be around for a very long time. And this is because they care about you. Do yourself and your loved ones a huge favor – eat your daily salad.

Trust me, you’ll be happy you did!

In wellness,


Wednesday Wellness – Tips For Clean Living

Eat your vegetables raw or slightly steamed at most. Why raw foods?
There is a presence of a beneficial antioxidant, “Quercetin” that is found in fruits and vegetables. You can also juice them. If this concept is new to you, then try it at least one day per week to get used to it.
Hard boiling and deep frying removes most of the nutrients in your food, including Quercetin.