


Happy First Day Of Fall!

As summer wraps up and fall and winter approach, there’s plenty to do to get your home ready for the coming season.

But, there’s also plenty to do to get your “life” in order.

For instance, what are some of the “things” you promised yourself you would change in your life?  Do you need a better routine?  Do you need to self-care more often?  Do you need to change your diet?

Now is the time to get organized in your home, but remember, your home is a reflection of “you.” So how do you want to move forward in life that brings out the best in you and mirrors that back into your home?

You see, if you’re concerned about your disorganization or your clutter, what you need to realize first is that this is just an outward manifestation from what’s going on within you.  So the focus should always be on YOU first to figure out the “cause.”

Now I understand that sometimes it’s not always easy to identify the “source” of your time management issues, the perpetual procrastination, the undeniable distractions, etc., but once you do, it becomes so much clearer on what your next steps should be to clean-up the outward mess.

If this makes sense to you, and you would like to FALL INTO LIFE in a productive, stress-free way, then you should consider the Mind Clearing Session that everyone is raving about.  You can learn all about it by clicking on the link below.

Remember, it all begins with YOU!




Need A Boost? Start Self-Caring.

​​​Okay, so here’s the deal on motivation…

If you lost your mojo, can’t get out of your own way, procrastinating, and just can’t get it together, and you’re not self-caring at this point, don’t expect motivation to come knocking at your door.  The truth is, if you’re not self-caring, you’re not even in the game of motivation.

Lack of motivation is usually due to fatigue and stress.  So we know to combat this we must self-care.  Now, self-care is not just about taking bubble baths…(lol) it’s much deeper than that.  You can start with the regular rituals; meditation, exercise, diet and sleep – these will all help build and boost the immune system and therefore enhance Serotonin, Dopamine, etc., levels in your brain. 

Also, eating too much junk food and abusing alcohol and drugs will mess with your brain of course, so that will affect your motivation.  What you need to understand is that  motivation is neurobiological as well.

Now, another big thing is to make sure your environment is conducive to wellness.  That means, less is more.  Your living space and work space should be neat and tidy and organized –  no clutter.  Studies prove that clutter messes with your brain – i.e., gives you clutter of the mind and causes stress and overwhelm, therefore, diminishes productivity.

Now, once you’re starting to get back into the game of motivation and you’re feeling much better – the key to productivity is to have your eye on the future – meaning, you have to have a goal.  Hope for something to go after.  Without this, you will just be surviving not thriving – and we don’t want that. 

So you must begin with a Life Goal. Now that may seem contrary to what we’ve been told all these years – such as we need yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily first.  After you devise your life goal, then you start working backwards toward the other goals.  Without a life goal, you’re just skimming through life without a purpose and there’s no bigger productivity killer than that. 

So there you have it.  Remember, self-care is self-love.  Start today – it’s never too late.

Working From Home Is Hell; These Tips Can Make It Easier

Work from Home: 35 Tips and Tricks to Stay Productive, Sane, and in Control


Here’s an article that I was interviewed for.  You’ll find my information under “Seriously, Don’t”…(appropriate wouldn’t you say…lol)

Go ahead, check it out:




Shattering Resistance to an Organized Life

On a scale of 1 to 10, how content are you with the feeling of being organized in your life right now?

Let’s assume 10 would be if you had everything just the way you wanted it – everything had a place and everything was in its place. You could locate whatever you needed without wasting time, you could have people over at the drop of a hat without stressing and you felt joy in knowing your place brought you peace of mind.

With being organized at that high water mark, where would you say you are at today?

Is it a 7? Or an 8? Higher? Lower?

And considering where your organized life is, do you have a concrete plan for moving up on the scale?

The first step to getting to a level 10 from wherever it is now, is to truly believe it is possible. That’s the first step to overcoming resistance.

To that end, I believe that if you are at a level 1 you can make the best of every situation you are in …

But you must be willing to seize opportunity when it knocks on your door.

The reason I’m telling you all of this is because I like to begin my week doing something that will motivate me for the week ahead. So here’s what I have in store for this week:

Today I am giving away my private notes to “Shattering Resistance to an Organized Life.” All you have to do is click on the link below to schedule a FREE call with me and I’ll personally review my notes with you.

Here’s you chance to move up the scale! Opportunity is here – open the door!


The Psychology Of The To-Do List

There are many benefits to writing a to-do list.  However, despite the gain, there are some people who will resist them.  Let’s take Mary for example.  Mary is an artist with a very active lifestyle. Her professional and personal life combined has her going in many directions.  Mary told me that she was starting to feel overwhelmed and some of her tasks were falling through the cracks.  When I inquired if she was using a to-do list to help her plan out her day, she informed me that “occasionally” she would scribble a few things down.

Although Mary was made aware of how a list could help manage her stress, she still resisted using one for a very long time.  She said, it stifled her flexibility. She felt that if she kept a list, it would tie her down and restrict her creativity. This is not an unusual response ( at least I found in my practice) with very creative people. They have adopted a belief that putting their thoughts down in order will somehow interfere with their creative flow.

Gradually, though, Mary came around. The busier  her life became, the more crucial it was to have some sort of running agenda on hand. Before long, not only did she embrace her to-do list but Mary even started scheduling some of those items onto a weekly calendar. In other words, she reluctantly become a planner.

Looking back, Mary admits that it wasn’t the actual writing of the list that she found so difficult, as it was the transition of doing so.  She now understands that she had emotional blocks surrounding her beliefs about to-do lists.  Once Mary was able to work through her roadblocks, she had a  different perspective of drawing up a list.  She is now in agreement that planning helps her get things done more efficiently and does not interfere with her creative nature.

Here’s the psychology of the to-do list – studies have shown that people perform better when they have written down what they need to do.  There are three reasons for this:  they dampen anxiety about the chaos of life; they give us a structure, a plan that we can stick to; and they are proof of what we have achieved that day, week or month. (the

Simply put, the brain loves order. That’s why being organized makes us feel so good.

If you’re interested in finding ways to make your life easier and more manageable, you can schedule a consultation with me by CLICKING HERE.

We De-Clutter For Peace Of Mind

I love teaching people how to unclutter their lives.

We strive to streamline because we are seeking peace of mind.

It’s true we want an environment that is organized, neat and tidy, but it’s the quality of life it offers us that is so appealing.

What about you?  Do you need to streamline your life?

Here are some links that can help you get started:

This is my on-line book offer that shows you how to take care of your body, mind and living space for healthy living:

This is my on-line video series that takes you through the entire process for organized living that people are raving about:

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to support you.

Why Clutter Exists and What It’s Trying To Tell You

There’s a question that stumps many people when I ask them: What is your clutter trying to tell you?

But before we get into answering that, let’s take a look at some of the reasons why you might have clutter to begin with.

Clutter usually starts when there is a significant life change. Examples may include a health setback, a death, loss of a relationship, a change in career, financial burden, and so on.

These life changes can impact a person and can trigger a range of emotions such as feeling anxious, depressed, sad, angry, frustrated, overwhelmed, stressed, etc.

Over time, if we do not deal with our emotions, they can activate a cycle of hopelessness and feeling stuck in life, all of which lead to a breakdown of the human spirit.

When the human spirit is compromised, it is only natural that inward feelings will be expressed outwardly, which we refer to as manifesting. For some, this outward manifestation means clutter.

Now, if we go back to the original question—What is your clutter trying to tell you?—and follow the trail of your clutter’s origin, the answer becomes more obvious. Perhaps there are some unresolved emotions and frustrations in your life that you haven’t dealt with. Take a close look at your life and the places where a life change may be manifesting as clutter.

Everyone’s clutter signifies something different. It’s important to understand how yours originated so you can begin to recognize some of the unresolved areas in your life that still need healing.

Healing your past pains is a crucial part of creating a life of joy and peace now. And once you can break out of your cycle of pain, anger, or hopelessness, you may find it becomes easier to reassess your clutter and see it for what it truly is.

Life After Clutter Can Exceed Your Expectations

This picture can represent someone's home or a new career for a person.

Life After Clutter Can Exceed Your Expectations.


I’ve been busy creating a new class to teach.

I got inspired because I realized that people still have many questions about clutter.

Clutter is complicated. So I want to clear things up for you as much as I can.

There’s also another reason. 

I want to give you an inside look at what life is really like for people once they are clutter-free. 

There is a life way beyond clutter that exceeds most people’s expectations.

What most people don’t realize is that their entire life opens up to possibilities once they are clutter-free.

This picture can represent a fresh new start in their home or a new career for someone.

Do you see?

I’m going to show you what life really looks like for people beyond the clutter.

The course is called:

how to break the cycle of clutter
and recharge your life with purpose and passion

Regardless if you’re struggling with clutter or just trying to figure out what your next step in life might be, I’d like to invite you to my FREE class. You can grab your seat here.

I look forward to seeing you in the classroom.

I’m Teaching A New Class – You In?


I’m teaching a FREE clutter class on Tuesday, May 21, 2019.

My last free class was PACKED.  And so much fun.  This one is even better.  You should come.

It’s called Clutter & Beyond; how to break the cycle of clutter and recharge your life with purpose and passion.

I’m going to show you how to move from the unbearable weight of clutter to a life of freedom.

Yes, yes it’s true.  There is a life after clutter and the world is waiting for you to show up.  (I explain more in the video once you click the reserve link)

I hope you’ll consider it.  Click here to reserve your seat in the classroom.

De-clutter from the heart

De-clutter from the heart

Has anyone ever given you a piece of advice that made you think twice?

The other day my mentor offered up some words of wisdom that left my head reeling.  I mean eyebrow-raising material!

Initially, I was taken aback trying to figure out where she was coming from.   But after letting her words sink in, I was grateful.

You see, what she told me was something I was already aware of.  In fact, I’ve been working on being more cognizant of it.  She said I should try to be more heart-centered instead of always being in my head. This hit a personal nerve for me.  I didn’t know it was that obvious to others that my analytical style was showing up outside of my professional life. I’m used to over-thinking and breaking things down—it’s how I make many of my decisions. But what I’ve come to find out is that that’s not always the best approach with matters of the heart.

It reminded me of the similarities people face with their clutter.  They get so caught up with “thinking” about all the things that could possibly go wrong, or what they might end up regretting, and they lose sight of what their heart wants most.

From my experience, people want to be clutter-free, and not just because they would like to have a home that is neat, tidy, and organized.  That’s just semantics.

People want to be organized because they are after something much more meaningful.  They are looking to recapture the freedom that the clutter has robbed from their life.  They are tired of having the clutter be the boss and dictate how they spend their time.

Are you looking at your need to de-clutter on the surface, or can you see the deeper reason for wanting to clear out the unnecessary stuff that’s weighing down your time and freedom?

Everyone wants a tidy and organized home, and the stress reduction that comes with it. But before you leave it at that, try taking a heart-centered approach to your de-cluttering. You, like all of us, deserve to honor the desires of your heart, to feel true peace of mind, to regain your freedom.

A heart-first clutter-free life is worthwhile, and so are you. It’s my job to remind you of that and help you get there!