How To Be More Efficient Without Stressing Out
There are three strategies that can make your organizing efforts more successful.
It begins with taking a look at organizing from a psychological, social and tactical aspect.
Here’s a quick intro to get you started:
It’s extremely important that mentally you start out with a positive outlook and you maintain that throughout. Feeding your mind healthy thoughts is good for the brain and helps sustain your motivation. Using your mind to envision your outcome is also important by staying focused on the “outcome.”
We are humans and we’re not designed to do things alone. Having a support system is critical to your well-being. A mentor, friend, coach, peer, someone that you can openly and honestly talk to and receive feedback and pointers from is the key to following through.
Having an organizing plan that you can execute with confidence can make a huge difference with how you manage your time. Make sure you understand how to declutter, sort and organize in the most efficient manner.
All three strategies play an important role separately and collectively. Through the process of getting organized you may find yourself bouncing from one to the other for strength. endurance and stability.
Remember, organizing can be something you just “do” or it can be a lifestyle. It all depends upon how you choose to look at it.
A cluttered brain can be filled with many things, ranging from all the things that are on your ‘to do’ list to worrying about how you will be able to complete everything successfully. One area that can predominately clutter up our brain is the constant banter we have with ourselves – our internal dialogue. This private conversation can influence our brains to have negative attitudes and thus, negative outcomes if we feed it negative thoughts.
Take Tammy for instance. She couldn’t understand why her sister’s life was filled with happy, positive things while her life was always a struggle. Her thoughts were, “Nothing good ever happens to me. Why do good things happen to my sis, while I always get the short end of the stick? It just isn’t fair!”
It wasn’t until Tammy started to realize that her sister always has a positive attitude. It doesn’t seem to matter what happens, her sister handles most everything with ease and looks for the good in all situations.
Maybe it’s time Tammy finds out more about healthy thinking. It certainly couldn’t hurt…
Can you identify with Tammy? Or do you fall more into the category of her sister’s mindset? There were certain things that led up to Tammy’s aha moment that helped her transform her thinking. Would you like to learn how she did it? Then, you should grab a copy of my new book, Organically Yours; Open Yourself to a Healthy Vibrant Life Through Clean Living. If you pre-order now, you can receive your copy for only $1.00 plus S&H.
It’s not always easy to just “change” our ways. Especially when we have been in the habit of doing the same thing over and over. The problem is that by not changing our “ways” we end up with the same results. This can leave us feeling disappointed when we are trying to achieve a life changing goal.
Something that I found instrumental when I set out to “change” something is to figure out what is required of myself to make that change happen successfully. By asking, ‘What am I currently doing that could be interfering with the progress of change?’ (What habit, routine, or pattern is blocking me from the change I so desire?) has been very helpful in identifying the inner work that I need to do. When I am able to see that clearly, it helps me get realistic about the change I am seeking and how to go about it.
The key here is to think about how to break things down into a formula so the change doesn’t feel so overwhelming. By looking inward first, we can then begin to take the outward steps that will lead us to the course of successful change.
Do you ever wonder what makes one person more productive over another? Do you secretly wish you could be more like one of those people who get things done? Do you want to discover why some people are able to push through their work while others stop?
I can’t wait to share this information with you because I know you are not only curious but you need it. But the really cool thing is that I know that it will make a definite impact on your productivity once these secrets are revealed to you and taught in a way that you can apply them immediately.
Date: May 17, 2016 – Tuesday Evening
Time: 7:30 – 9:00 PM ET
Spread the news. For every person that attends via your referral you will receive 5 bonus points ($25.00 value) towards a future event.
An Excerpt from “A Visit With Patricia Diesel – New Jersey Countryside Magazine.”
In addition to deciding what’s important to your life, successful organizing is about time and how you use it. You have to organize your organizing. People say, I don’t have time to organize. I say you DO have time, no matter how busy you are.
One of my tricks is the 30-day challenge. Sit down with a calendar in front of you. Pick a priority project that’s really urgent. Maybe it’s the closets. Say: I’m going to give myself 30 days to clean out my closets. Mark the end date on the calendar. You can figure out approximately how much total time it will take and mark the days you’ll work on it, even if it means skipping a less important engagement or two. The point is that if you give yourself 30 days, you’re not rushing yourself. Noe excuses. Schedule it into your time.
At the end of 30 days, celebrate your victory. Give yourself a reward, some sort of treat. You deserve it!
A side benefit of the 3o-day challenge is that you are really learning about how you are using your time. Perhaps you can cut out something unproductive and substitute something you enjoy.
Sidebar: Learn how to set boundaries and limits for the use of your time. In doing so, learn how to say “No.” This is a big one. Before you make your decision about a request, ask, will this balance my day or put me on overload?
I am making this workshop so desirable and so affordable
that it is virtually (literally) impossible not to REGISTER!
I mean it’s going to be downright AWESOME!
Here’s a cool look at what you can expect:
And the best part is that it is truly AFFORDABLE!
Here’s the skinny on the price:
But you have to REGISTER NOW for two reasons:
1. I am only allowing a limited amount of students.
2. Starting January 12th the price goes up to $159.99.
So don’t remain stuck and don’t cost yourself money!
It’s time to start a new chapter of your life.
Well, if you’re like 97% of the population your answer to the above questions will be no.
But I don’t want you to be part of that 97% population – I want you to stand out and succeed.
I have a little secret I want to share with you – NOW is actually the best time to go after all you want – Do NOT wait until New Year’s Morning to begin thinking about your goals – do it NOW!
I will PERSONALLY help you get a jump start on your goals absolutely FREE of charge with a 30 minute coaching session!
With this powerful 30 minute coaching session you will leave with:
Email me now for your FREE session @ [email protected] and someone from my team will be in contact with you within 24 hours.
With love,
Patricia Diesel
So the New Year is here…and resolutions were made.
Now the hard part comes into play – how to honor your commitment by staying true to your word.
It would be great if we could achieve our goals without a lot of effort, but we know this is not true. Setting out to accomplish something means we have to finish what we started – and that means, starting at the beginning and following all the way through to fruition.
It appears that most people get frustrated with their resolutions and give up because they feel they will never get to the end – the final hooray where they can celebrate their victories. But what most neglect to see is that in order to finish what you started you have to first get the right mind set.
So what do I mean by this? Well for starters, once you make the conscious decision to make a resolution, it’s time to stop thinking and start acting on it.
Do It Today
Why is it so important to start today? It’s important to start today because putting things off just means that you’re feeding the cycle of making excuses. You can’t actively take part in your life while passively waiting for things to happen for you. Waiting doesn’t accomplish anything, at least not when you’re looking to change your life.
Plus, why would you want to waste even another moment if you can get started on your new and improved life today?
Sometimes we argue that our lives “really” don’t need improvement and that our resolution is just a “pie in the sky” dream. Usually we make these excuse when we are not willing to do the work. Don’t allow complacency and stagnation to take over and destroy your personal advancement.
One of the best ways to get the ball rolling is by starting with a list of the things you want!
If you’re feeling overwhelmed or depressed, you may want to start with things that would have an immediate impact on your self-esteem which will help boost your confidence level. Anything that allows you to actively take a step further towards the person you want to be, while making you feel good about the fact that you’re taking action, is a worthwhile activity to engage in.
Set reasonable goals for yourself and start slowly. For example:
There’s an old saying – “Good things come to those who wait.” But guess what, “Good things come to those who take action.”
Good luck – I know you can do it!
Want to learn more on how to fulfill your 2012 goals – register for this amazing tel-class HERE!
Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Time: 6:00 – 7:00 PM Eastern Time