You spend your time wisely if you spend your time organizing!

The time you invest in getting yourself organized will give you a substantial return on your investment.  For example, you can locate your important items at a moment’s notice, because you now know where everything is.  You will save time and peace of mind by establishing a home  for your belongings, rather than frantically searching for your stuff and getting all stressed out.  It’s not a particularly warm and fuzzy feeling when you’re racing against the clock trying to find something that is lost in space.  So to quote dear Ben Franklin, “For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.” ~ Amen

Did you find this information helpful?  If so, you will definitely like my new book Organically Yours; Open Yourself to a Vibrant Healthy Life Through Clean Living.

You can grab your copy for only $1.00 plus S&H.  GRAB IT HERE!

As soon as I have the book in my hands, I will mail your autographed copy with a special gift directly to your door step.


How Cluttered Is Your Brain?

A cluttered brain can be filled with many things, ranging from all the things that are on your ‘to do’ list to worrying about how you will be able to complete everything successfully. One area that can predominately clutter up our brain is the constant banter we have with ourselves – our internal dialogue. This private conversation can influence our brains to have negative attitudes and thus, negative outcomes if we feed it negative thoughts.

Take Tammy for instance. She couldn’t understand why her sister’s life was filled with happy, positive things while her life was always a struggle. Her thoughts were, “Nothing good ever happens to me. Why do good things happen to my sis, while I always get the short end of the stick? It just isn’t fair!”

It wasn’t until Tammy started to realize that her sister always has a positive attitude.  It doesn’t seem to matter what happens, her sister handles most everything with ease and looks for the good in all situations.

Maybe it’s time Tammy finds out more about healthy thinking. It certainly couldn’t hurt…

Can you identify with Tammy? Or do you fall more into the category of her sister’s mindset? There were certain things that led up to Tammy’s aha moment that helped her transform her thinking. Would you like to learn how she did it? Then, you should grab a copy of my new book, Organically Yours; Open Yourself to a Healthy Vibrant Life Through Clean Living. If you pre-order now, you can receive your copy for only $1.00 plus S&H.




There’s a certain connotation the word declutter brings to mind – don’t you think? For me it evokes a feeling of freedom. I personally don’t operate well when I have clutter around me. So anything I can do to get myself on track quickly helps not just with my immediate surroundings, but it makes my mind clearer and focused. My attitude starts to shift and I feel more energy.  Here are three good reasons why decluttering is a healthy choice.

3 Reasons Why Decluttering Is Healthy:

1. You Can Decrease Stress; not having clutter around reduces your worry and anxiety. Next time your have unannounced guests, you don’t have to fret and scramble to hide things before letting them in. Just knowing your place is environmentally friendly is a load off the old noggin.

2. You Can Breathe Easier; regular household dust is enough to deal with. But excessive clutter may contain mold, and other toxins that can complicate health issues further, especially if you have asthma or other breathing problems.

3. You Can Clear Your Mind; did you know that clutter can actually interfere with your brain’s ability to process information. Think about it. Clutter is akin to chaos. Studies have proven that chaos restricts our ability to focus. When we are in a a clutter-free space we experience more energy and productivity.

Did you find the above information helpful? If so, you will enjoy my new book,
Organically Yours; Open Yourself To A Vibrant Healthy Life Through Clean Living. Here I discuss the concept of clean living and how it affects our mind, body and environment.


You can grab your copy for only $1.00 plus S&H. As soon as I have the book in my hands, I will mail your autographed copy with a special gift directly to your door step.




Spring is my favorite time of year. Everything comes alive!  I feel so happy when I wake each morning to a colorful landscape and bursts of sweet aromas.  It’s breathtaking to me.

The season of spring is also a time when we become more active and we want to do things. If you’re anything like me, I would venture to say that you also have one of those “forever” to-do lists…just waiting for each item to be checked off.

This is why I have designed a new program to help you accomplish all those “things” that have been long awaiting your attention.  I want you to start this spring season strong!

No matter if they are household items, office tasks, or personal goals – Boot Camp will help you get the results you want!

I’m going to share a few things that are on my “List” and I am also going to share something very personal with you so you can understand why I want to help you get things done!

Won’t you please join me this Thursday?  All you have to do is register below and show up.  You will be very happy you did!

Register Now!

Why Do Women Shop?

Why do we fall prey to playful TV commercials and grabbing magazine ads that lure us to buy, buy, buy?  Why do we order material goods that we don’t need and purchase clothes that we will never wear?  Why do we then spend countless hours returning the unwanted items after we come to our senses? Why do we do this?  Most of us will continue this pattern until something stops us in our tracks…or should I say, until we run out of space.  Then it becomes time to step back and reassess our life long patterns, ultimately facing the big question, Why Do Women Shop?

Why Do Women Shop?


It’s a real concern for many women – they get bored. The hot pursuit of the “chase” of a bargain at their favorite store is an adventure. Some women see it as their primary excitement. “The Thrill Of The Hunt” is like a competitive sport to them.  And when they see the word “Clearance”, well there’s nothing that whets the appetite more than that.  Sniffing out high quality outfits or household items that are marked down drastically is too exhilarating to pass by.  This endless cycle can go on and on until it doesn’t – and this can be for many reasons – less space, less, money, less enjoyment.

Filling A Void

Although our life circumstances may change, it doesn’t necessarily mean our patterns have.  For example, let’s say in your career you used to attend high-powered meetings.  This created a need for you to dress professionally.  But today, you are retired and no longer require these outfits.  However, you find yourself shopping like you used to – imagining the things that you’ll wear and the places you’ll go when you wear them.  This sort of buying is a temporary fix for the emptiness that is inside.  No amount of “stuff” can fill the empty space inside of us.


The shopping channels can be very alluring and quite entertaining.  A downfall for most women as they feel seduced by the shop-at-home networks.  They make it very enticing because of the payment plans they offer.  But what you don’t realize is that sooner or later you end up buying several items in a month.  This has you paying ridiculous amounts of money you didn’t take into consideration, let alone budget for.  Most networks offer the 30-day return policy – but what they don’t tell you is that you are paying for shipping and handling both ways.  This type of entertainment shopping can be costly. 


Yes, listening to those friendly, gregarious TV voices seducing you to buy, buy, buy, can ease loneliness for a bit…but not forever.  Most women don’t realize how isolated they really are until they’re spending starts to escalate out of control.  Shopping becomes a vehicle for comfort to mask the absence of socialization. Building your life with more positive activities – (i.e., dance class, yoga class, swim class, book club, workshop) to replace your need for shopping would be a better choice to help combat the loneliness.

The Desire To Acquire

Do you regularly go through your closets and drawers to donate your “things” to make yourself feel better?  Do you find that some of your clothing still has the price tags on them?  Do you have 5 of the same item in different colors? Do you have a collection of handbags and shoes never used?  If you answered yes, you may want to take a good look at this.  The desire to acquire can be very addicting.  There may be some ring of truth here when it comes to donating your never worn or hardly used items to Charity because it helps ease your guilty conscience of over spending.

If the above information resonates with you – you may be interested in my upcoming coaching program to reduce and cure your clutter.   You can learn more by clicking HERE!




Do you wish you had a Secret Elixir for curing your clutter – so you can live a better life?

I got ya covered!  I cracked the clutter code!

I’m about to share with you 3 Secret Elements that will radically change your clutter situation.

If you want to dig yourself out of your clutter rut, implement a tried and true organizing system, and improve the quality of your life immediately … then you’re in for a big treat!

Tuesday, March 7th @ 7:00 PM (ET) I am hosting an on-line event – free of charge – to let you in on the 3 Secrets to Curing Clutter.

All you have to do is register below and the details will follow.

Plus I will be sharing with you The Single Tip that will bring you immediate relief from the chaos of clutter.

See ya soon!

Closets Are Indicative Of Your Mind!

I’ve heard it said that ‘Closets are indicative of our mind.’  A messy closet, a cluttered mind.  An organized closet, a clear mind.

Closets Are Indicative Of Your Mind

I would agree that once a person cleans out their closet, they feel like they can think again. The problem is that many people have a hard time with the de-cluttering process. They tell me they feel overwhelmed just thinking about it.  They feel fearful that once they start they won’t be able to finish and they’ll be left with an even bigger mess. Some even report a sense of panic.

As a Clutter Coach who has worked with many people in their closets, I can share with you that these feelings are not just about the daunting act of  cleaning up.  It goes a little deeper.  It’s about what their things represent for them; unrealized plans, long-lost memories, etc.  

But I’ve got good news!  I cracked the code for cluttered closets. I’m about to share with you

3 Secret Elements that will radically change your clutter situation. Think of it as your very own Secret Elixir.

If you want to dig yourself out of your clutter rut, implement a tried and true organizing system, and improve the quality of your life immediately … then you’re in for a big treat!

Thursday, February 2nd @ 7:00 PM (ET) I am hosting an on-line event – free of charge – to let you in on the 3 Secrets to Curing Clutter..

All you have to do is register below and the details will follow.
Register Now!

Fall Cleaning Checklist (It’s Not What You Think)

Fall Cleaning Checklist
(It’s Not What You Think)
Fall is here!  Now is the perfect time to get your tasks completed and yourself organized.

Yet, sometimes, even though we have the best intentions and the greatest plan, we can end up getting distracted and/or overwhelmed.  Two key ingredients that can sabotage our checklist.

If you can identify with that, then you want to be on this call!

I am going to share with you my fall checklist, how I go about breaking down my tasks, and a few surprises that you just may be shocked to learn about!

I know fall clean-ups can be a dirty task, but I promise to keep it clean…well, somewhat…  🙂

Now go register…talk to you real soon!

Register Now!
PS – You need to attend “Live” to receive my latest eBook – so mark your calendar now and reserve that date!

Your task coach,

Patricia Diesel



A shirt here, a sock there, papers, papers, everywhere…

If you are experiencing clutter, I am sure you can relate to what I refer to as the scattered item syndrome. It’s where you participate in a wild goose chase looking for your things.

Clutter has the capacity to make us a little goosey. (exhibiting nervous behavior when we cannot locate our stuff)  It can be unnerving to say the least when you are on a constant hunt trying to find your stuff.

I propose that it is time to end this goosey  cycle and crush the clutter once and for all!  That’s why I am offering a workshop dedicated to helping you do just that.

I offer events like these sporadically and they are jammed packed with value for little cost in comparison.  They sell out quickly so if you want in, I am giving you plenty of notice.  To hold your spot, a deposit of $100.00 is required in order to be fair to everyone.

Below are the details:

9/14, 9/21, 9/28 – 2016
Wednesday Evenings

7:30 PM – 9:00 PM ET
Total On-Line Hours:  4.5 Hours

PowerPoint Slides for Learning & Workbook


  • Private Coaching each week
  • 3 Coaching Sessions for 30 Minutes
  • Total Coaching 1.5 Hours
  • Group Follow Up Call
  • Private Facebook Page for Interaction

Copy of my latest book – Life Coaching – a guide to hiring a professional coach.

Cost of Workshop: $499.99

It’s going to be an amazing event and together we will CRUSH THE CLUTTER!

Breaking The Cycle of Chronic Lateness

Breaking The Cycle of Chronic Lateness

There are books, articles and studies performed to try and help people overcome their chronic lateness.  Some experts believe in order to break the pattern we need to look at not only what we are doing but why we are doing it.  I concur.

Let’s look at some examples of how people show up chronically late in areas of their life; appointments, interviews, ceremonies…

Take the classic physician who is always running late with patients.  Now in their defense, they will most likely explain their circumstances with reasons such as being over-booked, an emergency arose, or a populated epidemic of something.  Now from the patient’s perspective, who is in the waiting room 45 minutes or much longer, he is probably feeling anxious and a tad put-off, as it can be perceived as a lack of respect of  time.

In Anna’s case, there was no question that being on time was essential for her upcoming interview.  It was a company that she would be thrilled to work for. There was one problem.  With all the excitement, Anna forgot to verify the location.  By the time she was off and running, she realized she didn’t know exactly where she was going.  Hence, she showed up 30 minutes late for the interview.  Not only was she stressed out and embarrassed, but she carried that energy all throughout the interview process.  You can guess the outcome – Anna didn’t get the job.

When Brian’s childhood friend asked him to be the best man for his wedding, he admitted it was one of the highlights of his life.  Not only was it a huge honor, but it was a big responsibility.  He wanted to make sure everything went smooth and that his long time buddy could count on him during this happy occasion.  The morning of the wedding, Brian walked out the door and neglected to bring the wedding bands that his friend entrusted him with.  Just about halfway through his driving time to the ceremony, he realized he had to turn back home to go get them.  Needless to say, Brian was 15 minutes late.  Brian was so worried that he ruined the most important day of his friends life.  He apologized all day long.

A good starting point to breaking the cycle of lateness is to become consciously aware of your lateness and then to make the effort to prioritize being prompt.  You can begin with observing the cost of being late and the payoff of being on time.

Cost of being late – being late is upsetting to others and stressful for the one who is late.

Payoff of being on time – eliminates stress and the need to apologize.

The consequence of being late all the time runs deeper than this however.  When you are chronically late you are not showing up as the best version of yourself.  You are creating a reputation for yourself that is sending messages that people can’t trust or rely on you.  This impacts your relationships and your self-esteem.

Considering the technical aspect of why people are late is also important.  Not having good planning skills or how to estimate how long things will take can be critical.  A simple exercise you can try is to write down how long you think each thing you do will take and then compare it to how long it actually took to complete.  The comparison will help you find your pattern so you can adjust your time.

Learning how to say NO by either declining or deferring when people are asking things of you will also help you stay mindful with your commitment to time.  You can use catch phrases, such as;

“I would love to help but I have a prior commitment.”

I am on a tight deadline, so I have to pass on this.”

“I have plans during that time today, but maybe tomorrow I can.”

From an emotional/psychological aspect we can look at this from a different view.  Most people know what they are doing by arriving late.  They are choosing to arrive when they want.  The question is “Why?”  Here are some possibilities:

Resistance – Carried over from a rebelliousness childhood.

Crisis Maker – Thrives on mini crisis of running late.

Adrenaline – Need the rush of being under the gun to get things moving .

Anxiety – Fear about where they are going.

There are many tools that can be used to help decipher the why of what makes one late, but from a life coaching perspective, I can tell you that understanding where the emotional blocks come from is key to understanding why we do what we do and how to break the cycle.

In my new book – Life Coaching – a Guide to Hiring a Life Coach – I talk about how instrumental coaching has been in my life as well as how to go about finding a coach that can help you.  Through coaching you can find ways to overcome your lateness and begin to learn how to convert time into a pleasurable experience.

Life Coaching Book Cover

For a limited time you can receive a copy of Patricia’s new book with a special coaching offer.  Contact now @ (908) 642-1226 or email [email protected]